Solved Set Entity Yaw

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by thebiologist13, Mar 14, 2013.

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    Hello All!

    This is probably going to turn out incredibly obvious, but how do I set the yaw (i.e. rotation or direction looking) of an entity? Currently, I use this:
    1. Location spawnLocation = new Location(someWorld, x, y, z);
    2. spawnLocation.setYaw((float) (Math.random() * 360.0d));
    3. someWorld.spawnEntity(spawnLocation, EntityType.ZOMBIE); //Zombie is just an example, I change it up.

    This method always spawns them facing North though. :confused:

    I also tried putting some debug output for the "Math.random() * 360.0d" part to verify it was giving values between 0 and 360 degrees, and it was.

    Am I missing something? Or is yaw in radians or something like that?

    Thanks in advance! :D
  2. Hmm, I belive spawnEntity() doesn't care about the angles of location.

    The only way you can change pitch/yaw of an entity is by using teleport.
    There is a packet but you'd have to use CB/NMS code for that (or ProtocolLib).

    But for your code using teleport would be just fine since you just spawned the entity.

    Also, instead of using 360.0d and casting to float why not use 360.0f ? :p
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    Thanks so much! This worked perfectly. :D

    I changed it to this:
    1. Location spawnLocation = new Location(someWorld, x, y, z);
    2. spawnLocation.setYaw((float) (Math.random() * 360.0d));
    3. Entity entity = someWorld.spawnEntity(spawnLocation, EntityType.ZOMBIE);
    4. entity.teleport(spawnLocation);

    Also, I was using 360.0d instead because I put the "Math.random() * 360.0d" in a separate "randomRotation()" method that returns a double. I suppose it could return a float though. :)

    Thanks again!
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