MySQL or SQLite

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Infernus, Mar 27, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Are there any tutorials about how to use MySQL or SQLite? Thanks!
  2. Offline


    Um, you could look at LWC's source maybe?
  3. Offline


    Id like to know this too.
    I really need it for my plugin Locker. :)
  4. Offline


    Sign me up too, I never used SQLite cause' the tutorials that I saw are hard to understand.
    @Z-Sonxx do you think that LWC is the easiest plugin to learn SQLite? maybe an easier one ?

    EDIT: *Slaps himself for pour orthography and grammar* ^^
  5. Offline

    Edward Hand

    Do want!
  6. Offline


    To be honest, I only kinda know Java. I would guess you import the jar, and try to understand the functions from there. I couldn't imagine it being too hard.

    LWC is the only plugin that I really know of that uses SQLite or MySQL well.

    I believe that MySQL should be reserved for PHP and PHP connecting, as with MySQL you need to connect to a external running of it whereas SQLite runs in the lib/sqlite_blahblahblah_blah.jar . Although, you could create a internal MySQL server within the plugin and connect to it, but that would require a lot of un-needed work. Maybe, if you insist on using MySQL, you could perhaps download Apache from within the plugin and run the mysql_start.bat and run mysql/mysql_console.exe queryhere (command line), but then again you would give yourself un-needed work.

    Also, sorry if I don't have the file names quite right, I'm away from my laptop at the moment and this PC doesn't have a copy of cb, sqlite, mysql, or anything :mad:. Don't look to the right ---> [creeper][creeper][creeper][creeper][creeper][creeper][creeper][creeper][creeper][creeper][creeper][creeper][creeper][creeper]
  7. Offline


    Yes, please. I've made 2 MySQL plugins but they just use dirty workarounds (read: hmod source lurking).
    Also, official SQL support in Bukkit would be wonderful. Persistence, anyone? Having server owners set up MySQL settings for each plugin is not very efficient.
  8. Offline


    I am only wanting to use MySQL / SQLite to store whole databases instead of a yml file.
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