Setting spawn location of specific players when offline

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Doctacosa, Mar 13, 2013.

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    First things first, I tried searching for this specific issue, but the insane amount of spawn-related questions makes it about impossible to find what I need. I know how regular players can set their spawn point. I know how to set the main server spawn point. I know how to set a spawn point per world. My problem is not there.

    How can I set an offline player's position to X Y Z so that he'll appear at that spot the next time he logs in? If he's online, I can /tp him here; that obviously won't work with players not currently on the server.

    Additionally, how do I make it so that this new position (again, specific to a single player) will be their new spawn point if they happen to die while playing?

    I've been hesistating to ask this not to face a wall of "rtfm n00b" posts, but this is a use case I haven't seen before, so any help is appreciated. Thanks! :)
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