GroupManager Error & Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by AnUnknownMiner, Mar 5, 2013.

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    Hello, I have been trying to figure out why GroupManager isn't working. Here is a link to the error.


    Also, How do i make groups without screwing up the plugin. I have PermissionsEX to help.

    Thank You

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    It will be impossible to tell if there are other problems but on line 28, you are missing a - before the " simpleprefix.user". It should be "- simpleprefix.user".

    As for how to not screw it up, just use the in-game commands and you shouldn't be able to break things.
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    Syntax errors at locations specified by the error.

    1. Caused by: while scanning a simple key
    2. in "<reader>", line 28, column 5:
    3. simpleprefix.user
    4. ^
    5. could not found expected ':'
    6. in "<reader>", line 29, column 5:
    7. inheritance:
    8. ^
    Are you using 2 permissions managers or am I confused?
  4. Offline


    I removed PermissionsBukkit and Went with PermissionsEX because i wasn't using it. I hope that PEX will help me a lot more.
  5. Offline


    I don't know about the error part, groupmanager is working perfectly fine for me, though, you can make groups with out in-game by doing /mangadd (GroupName) than adding permissions to the group by doing /mangaddp (Permission)
    I don't know, I may have miss read your post :p
  6. Offline


    paste startup log and groups.yml please.
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