Kit Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by andrewabosh, Mar 4, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Im making a kit, with just one item a raw pork chop but with the name Bacon and with knockback 20. What would i type?
  2. Offline


    You need a kit plugin buddy.
  3. Offline


    I have essentials...
  4. Offline


    ergh, I suggest using a configurable kit plugin, essentials is a little harder : P
  5. Offline


    Any ideas? :p
  6. Offline


    Mmkay, here's a pretty good kit plugin p;
    if that doesn't work, i'm creating a huge Huuugueeeeeeyeueeue
    plugin just like essentials, with over 40 commands, it works as a Kit plugin to a kit pvp plugin, to anti griefing, to teleportation
  7. Offline


    yes, lets install a whole new huge plugin for a simple feature, right? makes total sense!

    make sure essentials is 2.10.1 enable unsafe-enchants in config.yml,
    - ID 1 knockback:20 name:Bacon
    ID being your bacon ID.
    andrewabosh and ghost0001 like this.
  8. Offline


    Wait, the new essentials can enchant anything? And have unique naming of items? Man I gotta update...
  9. Offline


    Ok I want them to start, with 9 bacons in there inventory but I want them all seperate so it fills up there hotbar, is it possible? I tryed this but didnt work
    delay: 100000
    - 319 1 name:§cB§6a§cc&6o§cn
    - 319 1 name:§cB§6a§cc&6o§cn
    - 319 1 name:§cB§6a§cc&6o§cn
    - 319 1 name:§cB§6a§cc&6o§cn
    - 319 1 name:§cB§6a§cc&6o§cn
    - 319 1 name:§cB§6a§cc&6o§cn
    - 319 1 name:§cB§6a§cc&6o§cn
    - 319 1 name:§cB§6a§cc&6o§cn
    - 319 1 name:§cB§6a§cc&6o§cn

    Any ideas?

    use &, not §
    also, that will not fill up the hotbar, unless you make each bacon unique (possibly &f/&r in name/lore to make bacons not stackable?)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
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