Java High Cpu Usage Help me :/

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ismkdc, Mar 4, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
    i7 3.3 ghz 4 cpu 4 gb ram vds
  2. Offline


    Could it be a plugin causing this? Maybe too many plugins for that amount of ram? On my server once I got spammed with the can't keep up message and it was this one redstone thing that turned a redstone lamp on and off really fast and it lagged out the server. After I destroyed the redstone thing the server was fine
  3. Offline


    Now server in 3 player cpu usage some times %100 .. :(
  4. Offline


    Hmmm. What else are you doing when the server is running? Also, when I ran my server off my laptop (which I don't do anymore) I got like 90% cpu usage. And is your i7 quad core?
  5. Offline


    Why do you need AuthMe?
  6. Offline

    Super User

    Why do you think...

    I'd switch to Spigot. Spigot is built for efficiency.
  7. Offline


    AuthMe dosent always mean offlinemode...
  8. Offline


    Why would you have a login system otherwise? It's only a struggle if you have it for fun.

    OP: Could you run nolagg examine and show us the results?
  9. Offline


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