[REQ] Prestiges!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Eliijah, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: RPG

    Suggested name: Prestige's

    What I want:
    I'm looking for someone to create a plugin that has a simple ranking system for Tools, Weapons & Armor that can also be prestiged.
    Once the player has reach the desired amount of Levels (150 Default). The weapon/ tool etc would gain a lore once it has been prestiged.

    For example:
    1 hit would = 1 point on the gui bar for that item.
    20 points would = 1 level.

    The levels could be set out like this for prestige Zero:
    Level 10 = Enchantment + Change item name color {Enchantment level 1 only }
    Level 30 = Enchantment + Change item name color {Enchantment level 1 only }
    Level 65 = Enchantment + Change item name color {Enchantment level 1 only }
    Level 100 = Enchantment + Change item name color {Enchantment level 1 only }
    Level 150 = Enchantment + Change item name color {Enchantment level 1 only }

    Prestige you item:
    Once you have reached 150 with that item you can prestige it, simply by typing in chat /prestiges prestige. It will warn you before you do with "are you sure you want to do this?" Once they prestige there item has been set back to Zero, but they gain a better item, they get a different name, and a special lore. Now they have prestige 1 all the new rank up will grant them a higher enchantment level.

    The levels could be set out like this for prestige One:
    Level 10 = Enchantment + Change item name color {Enchantment level 2 only }
    Level 30 = Enchantment + Change item name color {Enchantment level 2 only }
    Level 65 = Enchantment + Change item name color {Enchantment level 2 only }
    Level 100 = Enchantment + Change item name color {Enchantment level 2 only }
    Level 150 = Enchantment + Change item name color {Enchantment level 2 only }

    Lore Ideas To Add:
    - '+2 speed' {gained @ prestige:1 , +2 speed for 8 seconds on every level up}
    - 'x2 exp' {gained @ prestige:2, double exp drops at every level up}
    -' dropheads' {gained @ prestige:3, drops a players/ mobs head once killed}

    Name To Add Once Item Has Prestige:

    name: &2Beastly
    name: &9Lord
    name: &eMaster
    name: &5GodLike
    name: &6Legandary

    Ideas for commands:
    /prestige {prestiges the item in hand once at level 150}
    /reload {reloads the configs in game}
    /stats {shows the exact level of xp on the item in hand}
    /help {lists commands}

    Ideas for permissions:
    prestiges.prestige {allows a player to the prestige command}
    prestiges.reload {obvious}
    prestiges.stats {shows your exact level on item in hand}
    prestiges.help {list of commands}

    At the end the player will have a weapon/tool/armor that will be prestige 5, level 150 and have 5 High level enchantments and 5 lore's, with the last name set ( Legendary by default )

    It would take a player 3000 hits to get to level 150 so thats 18,000 hits to get to top prestige and thats just one item, that = heaps of fun and time on the server!

    The idea is to keep players busy and rewarded on servers, I know that this is a very exciting idea and it was mostly voted on by members of my server.

    When I'd like it by: ASAP
  2. Offline


    This seems like a really cool idea. I am going to work on this. I will send you a message so we can discuss this in further detail.
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