compiling commandline

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Morlanius, Jan 15, 2013.

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    I've been playing about with a couple of things, and im not getting as far as I hoped.
    I'm certainly no stranger to software development, but not Java. So, here is my question.
    using netbeans, eclipse etc compiling is as easy as pushing a button, litrally.
    but how does one get the commandline compiler to compile against the classpath.
    I'm a sole linux user and i tried like this
    javac -cp ../bukkitapi.jar *.java

    but it throws errors complaining about definitions not being in place but if its linking to the classpath shouldnt that reference it as well, what am I missing out of this that an IDE is doing for me, an extra option or something?

    PS: The code im trying to compile should compile its syntax correct and does very little. the other project im trying to compile has previously been sucessfully compiled by someone else, i got the sources and I cant get it to compile, so im doing something wrong.


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    Thanks, looks like the compile options im using is ok. ill update all the api references, looks like it sees some of the api but not all, i should probably check for case sensivity in the code or something. something isnt right.
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