İs it possible to steal a plugin from a server?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by hanza, Jan 1, 2013.

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    Hi, is it possible to steal a servers plugin.İ must get revenge a server stole it(i dont know how)and it was a homemade plugin.Then they crashed our server.So i must get revenge and take my plugin back.HELP
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    "take my plugin back"
    are we actually talking about bukkit plugins?
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    It's not possible. The only way is for them to hack into your admin panel/ftp and take it. Which is usually (Unless you're hosted by Chromobyte... grrr) highly protected.
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    Over a minecraft client I doubts that's possible, you cant just request the server to send you a plugin from it. Also the time being they could have copied the player and spreaded it all around. They probably got access to your FTP server or whatever you use.

    If you want to protect your home plugin then obfuscate it with ProGuard or/and encrypt it. You could also make it so it only runs on your server or whatever methods there are possible to do this.

    Only make those players staff you really trust, keep FTP limited so only you can use it and also be sure to use difficult passwords (https is probably nice to have).

    To be host that sounds quite strange to me what you are telling here and it think its not allowed to ask for hack methods in this forum. So please don't ask us to find hacks/cheats for you here.
    hanza likes this.
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    Locked. If its your plugin, you will have the source for it anyway, and will have no need to steal it.
    -_Husky_- likes this.
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