
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by TheSkeletonSK, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Offline


    EDITED 12/7/2012
    Plugin category: FUN GENERAL

    Suggested name: EnchantSummon

    What I want:
    A plugin that saves the data for an enchanted item in a playerdata file. when a player is holding an enchanted item in their hand they can use "/savesummon (itemname)" to save the items configuration under that name.

    Actual name of item can change if it is possible (which it is. see Itemizer) and is also used for calling the configuration via the command.

    Player gets to have up to 7 summonable items (configurable). He uses "/summon (itemname)" to summon one. I expect the plugin to give the player the object that was used and apply the enchantments recorded in the playerdata file (Ex. gives user Diamond Sword - apply Knockback 3, Sharpness 5, etc).

    Summoning can also cost coins to do, which would also be configurable. Player can delete summons off of his list, and can pull up the list of summons he has with a command.

    Players can unsummon a weapon with /unsummon while holding the item in their hand. When the item is dropped, it is the same thing. When dropped, the item is destroyed, allowing it to be summoned once more. ONLY one of each summon will be allowed in inventory.

    Ideas for commands:
    /savesummon : saves a summoned object. Must be in hand and have at least 1 enchantment.
    /deletesummon <itemname> : deletes a summon
    /summon <itemname> : summons the weapon/item
    /summonlist : displays the list of that players summonables.
    /opsummon : allows admin or op a free summon
    /opsummonlist <playername> : allows admin or op to view other players summon lists.
    /unsummon : removes the summonable item in hand
    Ideas for permissions:
    ensum.summon : player can summon a summonable weapon/item
    ensum.create : player can create a summon weapon/item
    ensum.admin : player gets usage of commands admins can only have. like /opsummon and /opsummonlist

    Configurable settings:
    -allowed enchantments.
    --whether or not to be allowed to save the item with this enchantment applied. (true or false)
    --cost of this enchantment to add to total cost of item upon use of the /summon command.
    -number of summons. 1 to a max of 7

    Preferred Item List Format in Chat When /summonlist is used:
    Example: enchantment lvl, enchantment lvl, etc
    The Scourge: Sharpness 2, Unbreaking 5, etc
    Special Pickaxe: knockback 4, silk touch 1, etc
    When I'd like it by: The sooner the better.
  2. Offline


    This would take a while to do, but it is theoretically possible.

    When someone runs /savesummon the item would have to be removed from the player's inventory, and returned to them later when they summon it. Having to search for its location before giving it to the player (similar to the 'Accio' command in Harry Potter) wouldn't be very practical, unless the plugin knew exactly which chest to look in.

    Storage of the summon-able items wouldn't be too difficult, just a flat-file would work.
  3. Offline


    id rather the plugin didnt remove the item from inventory upon /savesummon.
    cuz then theyd have to pay to get it back even tho it didnt get destroyed or lost. Just stolen by the plugin :p
    and its more like a spawn and apply enchantments kindof deal. unlike accio
  4. Offline


    Ok. a little confused.... you want it to save a template of the item with its enchantments? but not remove it? that sounds like a duper?
  5. Offline


    well, now that i think about it, removing it would be good. but not when you save the template. only when you use the (NEW) command /unsummon
    this will remove it from the inventory until it is needed again. doing this will practically remove the NEED for a economy plugin, making it now optional. Also, it checks to see if the item is currently in your inventory, and when you drop it, it disappears. working similar to the /unsummon command. if the item is already in your inventory, you cant summon up another
    thankyou for your input.

    i have edited the thread
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