Saving Metadata

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by kellerkindt, Dec 29, 2012.

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    Whats the recommended way to save the metadata of an ItemStack?

    Currently I am saving the HashMap through serialization (ObjectOutpuStream...)
    But that doesn't work for example for the MetaData of fireworks, because they
    have the Object "org.bukkit.FireworkEffect" in their MetaData Map, which isn't serializable.

    So whats the recommended and best way to store the MetaData of an ItemStack
    to load it again later?

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    FireworkMeta implements ConfigurationSerializable, so it should be able to store it in a config
  3. Offline


    Thanks for you reply!
    Could you give me a quick code example?
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    Afaik set("path", themeta) and (FireworkMeta)get("path") should work
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    Isn't there a way given by bukkit, to store the returned HashMap directly into a file?
    Or something else to store and load it again?
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    I have seen people use ObjectOutputStreams. But you can also just use a manual version:
    1. for(Entry<K,V> entry : yourHashMap.entrySet())
    2. {
    3. yourConfig.set(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue());
    4. }

    1. for(String key : yourConfig.getKeys(false))
    2. {
    3. yourHashMap.put(new K(key), (V)yourConfig.get(key));
    4. }
    Note that this method would only function with primitive types, as I cannot guarantee that it would work with others. Replace K and V with your key and value types
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    Actually, I am working with the java Serialization,
    but hoped there is another - better - way.
    Currently I have the issue, that in the serialized FireworkMeta,
    the - not Serializable - effects are added.

    As there seems to be no other way than serialization,
    this would sovle the/my issue:
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