Different Startup Methods

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by eyedjellyfish78, Dec 27, 2012.

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    Over my time using bukkit I have noticed that every now and then they change which startup method you're supposed to use to start your server. I have never actually started using the newer methods, because the old method that I use works fine, but I want to know if it actually makes a difference to use the new ones or not. This is by no means urgent, so help other people who really need it before you respond to this post.
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    I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "startup methods"... Are we talking about the options to Java that you put in a startup .bat, .command, or .sh script? What are the "newer" and "older" methods you refer to, specifically? Usually the differences are just optimizations of the way Java uses your system memory.
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