Can Someone Make This Plugin for 1.4.6 pls?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by zuzuu96, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hi guys I have an idea for plugin to someone maybe can make it, maybe someone heard before Knight Online its MMORPG Game in this game they have 2 Nation First is Karus Second is El Morad and in this game they have NP (national point) system. In this game there is an PvP arena for this when you kill people you got 50 national point and when you killed by someone you lost 50 national point too.And there is some kind of mobs on that arena, when you kill mobs they give national points depends on mob there are 2 mobs in this game, Atross and Riote. When you kill atross its gives you 50 np and when you kill riote its gives you 25 np if you die for these mobs nothing happen only when someone kill you, you lost 50 np whoever got most NP on this server they GOT RANK.

    For Minecraft i want you to do like Survial-Games(Hunger Games) arena plugin first you have to create PvP arena and edit or design then protect with WorldEdit and i want also MultiWorld Support for this plugin. For example if i type /warp npjoin or /npjoin it will tp you to PvP arena( in another WORLD) and you will fight doesnt matter if its enough players or not there is mobs in there for example in this arena zombie and skeleton or other mobs up to you, you can change this on config.yml if you kill zombie you will got 25 NP,if you kill skeleton you will got 50 NP like this. And there is unlimited time for this arena everytime you can join and fight with players for NP and there is ranking system for example: if I type /nptop it will show you the players top ranking top 1-21 players only!.And when you earn or reach new rank the server will say "Congratulation Name1 reach Gold Knight Rank". "Name1" is the person name in minecraft thats an example,and you can also give them a price for reach a new rank you can edit it this on config.yml and you can also reset the players Nps and Ranks for example /nparenareset.And also i want you to do 2 Nation System For example: in TF2(Team Fortress2) plugin maybe someone now this plugin they have Blue Team and Red Team they cannot kill or attack same team only they can only kill or attack their enemies for example if you type /npnation "Blue" or /npnation "Red" once you type one of them you cant change for example if you type /npnation Blue you cant change your team to "Red", only you have 1 Select chance only Owners or Admins can change players team if its required this part must be have on this plugin and thats all.
    On this game the Ranks are like this:
    Name of the Ranks
    1) Gold Knight
    2) Silver Knight
    3) Mirage Knight
    4) Shadow Knight
    5) Mist Knight
    6) Training Knight

    Here is an example for TOP 1-21 Ranking:
    Top 1 Can get Gold Knight Rank ---- Depends on Most NP
    Top 2-3 Can get Silver Knight Rank ---- Depends on Most NP
    Top 4-6 Can get Mirage Knight Rank ---- Depends on Most NP
    Top 7-10 Can get Shadow Knight Rank ---- Depends on Most NP
    Top 11-15 Can get Mist Knight Rank ---- Depends on Most NP
    Top 16-21 Can get Training Knight Rank ---- Depends on Most NP

    For example:
    Name1 and Name2 are the person name its an example:
    1) Name1 have 1000 NP he's rank is Gold Knight
    2) Name2 have 975 NP he's ranks is Silver Knight
    If Name2 kill Name1, name2 will get 50 NP and name1 will lost 50 NP so here is the new rank:
    1) Name2 have 1025 NP he's rank is now Gold Knight
    2) Name1 have 950 NP he's rank is now Silver Knight
    /npcreate ---- Creates an PvP arena
    /npremove ---- Removes the PvP arena
    /npsetspawnred ---- Set Spawns for Red team
    /npsetspawnblue ---- Set Spawn for Blue team
    /nptop ---- Top Ranking shows the players ranking top.
    /npnation ---- Select your nation for example Red or Blue only 1 time you can choose otherwise you cant change back.
    /npleave ---- Leave the PvP arena
    /npjoin ---- Join the PvP arena, First you have to choose your nation then you can join!!!

    And this is the link for the picture when you earn national points its appear on game like this:
    Look at under the right side of column its written with blue color it says Earned 12 national points.In minecraft i want to appear on game like this here is the link:

    Here its all I explained for this game if anyone can exactly do this plugin for this method i need so much. If anyone can do this please leave commands on below.

    Thanks for your Patient...
  2. Offline


    Why the hard to read font? D:
  3. Offline


    :) sorry I will edit now I will make bigger
  4. Offline


    Wall of text...

    Moving on.
  5. Offline



    Hi can u make this plugin ?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  6. Offline


    zuzuu96 too large of a project :\ Most of the requests that get picked up here are simple things that can be done in under a few hours. This would take much longer.
  7. Offline


    hmm :S anyway thanks for comments i think I will think about little projects.

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