I Need Help With PermissionsEX

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by nyganster, Dec 21, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    When I Start Up My Server My Prefixes Work But My Users Dont Have Acces To Any Commands So I Had To Stop My Server & Use Group Manager & I Dont Like GroupManager PEX Is Better So This is My File http://pastebin.com/kRdecnKj Please Help Me If Possible
  2. Offline


    Seems to be valid YAML, please pastebin your startup log as well.
  3. Offline


    The Iron rank is a bit indented to the right, try moving it to the left by 1 or 2 spaces.
  4. Offline


    what do u mean paste the log startup log

    and my essentials dont work to it says

    Kk Here is My Startup Log http://pastebin.com/aBFzHj2y

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  5. Offline


    PermissionsEX either needs to be updated, or its not formatted properly, or both.
    Essentials needs to be updated.
  6. Offline


    Then Will it work

    so essentials is not updated ??
  7. Offline


    It should, unless there's another issue.
    YOUR version of Essentials is not updated.
  8. Offline


    Still dosent work is the new version 2.9.6​

    Now motd.txt isnt loading
  9. Offline


    Taken from the Essentials BukkitDev page:

    You'll need to see if there's a development build available that's compatible with CraftBukkit Dev build 1.4.6-R0.1, which is what I'm assuming you're running if it's not working.
  10. Offline


    i have 2.9.6
  11. Offline


    And your version of CraftBukkit?
  12. Offline


    yea im running that



    now my servr dosent load server.properties

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  13. Offline


    As originally posited, that's your problem. You're running CraftBukkit 1.4.6-R0.1, yet the version of Essentials that you're running is only compatible with CraftBukkit 1.4.5-R1.0. You'll need to use a development build of Essentials that's compatible with 1.4.6-R0.1, if available.
  14. Offline


    Its says this also 17:11:08 [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.4.5-R1.0-13-g7019d87-b2554jnks (MC: 1.4.6) (Implementing API version 1.4.6-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)

    kk so if this was ur server as a right now would u use 1.4.5 craftbukkit or 1.4.6

    im using craftbukkit 1.4.5 now

    it still dosent work

    it says this 17:22:32 [WARNING] [PermissionsEx] Unknown server implementation being used!
    17:22:32 [WARNING] [PermissionsEx] No Permissible injector found for your server implementation!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  15. Offline


    the problem is with PEX. I'm using it too but only ops can do commands. I know, PEX is a great plugin but when it will not be updated, you'll have to find another permission plugin
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