mcMMO errors

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by blembo, Dec 16, 2012.

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    mcMMO plugin is creating a problem. I tried redownloading it.

    My console said SEVERE error messages repeatedly when i started/stopped and or reloaded the server. Ive tried doing it many times. Sometimes, the error doesn't come up. Other times it does. I don't know why it says "no such file or directory". I have no idea what file i need to have there. Please help me.

    My consoles errors:
  2. Offline


    Did you used /reload?

    "./world/mcmmo_data/0/34/0 (No such file or directory)"
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    i reloaded the server yes
  4. firstly do you use the latest dev build of mcmmo and never use reload it causes memory leaks
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    aa2202aa2202 why should anyone not use /reload? I use it all of the time.. it that a bad thing, what is a good replacement for it
  6. Offline


    why did they even make /reload then? :confused: i think to reload the server? ;p
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