Critical Low TPS on a Dedicated Xenon E3-1245v2

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Aselox, Dec 15, 2012.

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  1. Hello, i recently upgraded my dedicated server and I decided to take an Intel Xenon E3-1245 V2 @ 3.40GHz with 32GB of RAM and SSD (from I run 2 bukkit servers using SpaceBukkit 1.2Beta and the problem is that on the larger one (70Players on) i get 2-3TPS and even on the smaller one (25-35Players on) i get 16TPS or so.

    On the dedicated server i host 2 websites (managed with plesk11), some mysql databases, 3 teamspeak3 servers and 2 bukkit servers. It's running the latest Ubuntu LTS version (everything has been updated).

    This is the list of the plugins on the larger server:
    Plugins (26): WorldEdit, NoCheatPlus, CreativeGates, Vault, PermissionsEx, CombatTag, MobBountyReloaded, AntiInvisibilityPotion, RepairChest, CapsGuard, WorldGuard, RemoteToolkitPlugin, AutoMessage, iConomy, BKCommonLib, SpaceBukkit, ClearLag, SupplySign, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, LWC, NoLagg, ChestShop, EssentialsChat, Factions

    This is the list of the plugins on the smaller server:
    Plugins (47): Orebfuscator, NoVoidDamage, WorldEdit, Towny, CustomPotions, Buycraft, MuteManager, Vault, PlayerHeads, AntiRelog, PermissionsEx, LogBlock, MobBountyReloaded, Questioner, CapsGuard, WorldGuard, RemoteToolkitPlugin, dynmap, AutoMessage, ChangeSilkTouch, BeardStat, DynamicEffectWhitelist, Turnstile, BKCommonLib, SpaceBukkit, RedstoneClockDetector, FalseBookCore, WGCustomFlags, mcMMO, FalseBookCart, Essentials, TownyChat, FalseBookBlock, EssentialsSpawn, VirtualPack, BOSEconomy, WGEnderPearlFlag, Register, Player-Tracker, CompatNoCheatPlus, ChestShop, EssentialsChat, FalseBookExtra, Dynmap-Towny, NoCheatPlus, DeathControl

    I don't think it's an hardware problem since i see that a lot of server run on a similar dedicated one so, please help me :\

    Thise is what SpaceBukkit says about the server when the smaller one is at 16TPS with 22Players on and the bigger one is at 3TPS with 48users on.

    Thank you in advance :)
  2. Offline


    Try removing noLag and report back.
  3. I'm using nolagg because of the lag. It doesn't give the player the sensation of a lagging server except for the movements. But even with it there's no tps change.
  4. Offline


    Did you even tried taking it out? I currently has 146 people on 23 something worlds and 20TPS, no lag clearing plugins.
  5. Do you have the same dedicated server i have? Anyway the server was without nolagg when i switched over this new dedicated server and it was lagging, so i uploaded nolagg to make the server playable even with low TPS
  6. Offline

    Codex Arcanum

    Look, humor the support people. Uninstall it for a moment and post the results. Couldn't hurt.
  7. Offline


    I was also going to suggest removing NoLagg, it actually seems to give lag, for some reason. It's weird, though.

    I did this on my own server too, had NoLagg first, then removed it. After removing, it seemed much more stable :)
    -_Husky_- likes this.
  8. That wasn't humor. I'm not an English speaking person so I apologise if I could be misunderstanding. I'll try removing nolagg and I'll let you know if something changes.

    Ok I tried removing nolagg and I noticed no difference talking about TPS. I also noticed that without nolagg the whole game lags instead of just the players movements (like it is with nolagg) .

    Up pls?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  9. ummmm maybe your world is to big and you need to limit the chunks.a map restart might help also how many worlds do you have.
    Also update all your plugins.
  10. I can't reset the map :/ how many players should my dedicated server have online at the same time without lag?
    P. S. All the plugins are updated
  11. What CraftBukkit version is it running on? If you use a beta NoCheatPlus with CB2512 or above i suggest downgrading to CB2511 or below and using a stable build of NoCheatPlus (release not beta on Bukkitdev which would be build 271, or build 274 from our Jenkins).
  12. I'm using craftbukkit 2488 (the latest Beta Build) and nocheatplus 274 and I noticed no difference in the TPS rate. I also tried the Development Build you suggested but I get some factions/worldguard/woeldedit errors in console. Please I need to solve this problem as fast as possible :(
    I also tried updating worldguard and worldedit with no result.
  13. Did you try to take timings yet? It could be an option to see if plugins are involved, but it needs a good bit of input usually (time and number of players).

    The player moves lag !? Do players get reset? Any log entries other than player chat/commands and the usual stuff?
  14. What do you mean for "taking timing"? How can I do it?
    There are no errors in console if you mean this
  15. Offline


    /worldguard report -p
    On both of your servers. Post the links here.
  16. There is the plugin-profiling setting in bukkit.yml, set it to true and on shutdown or after some time (10 players = hours, 30 players a bit less) issue the command "timings merged". It saves data about plugins event handling to the "timings" folder. Optimal would be to have >1 million events for one of the PlayerMoveEvent entries, better more.

    Concerning logs: not necessarily errors, just unusual.

    Plugins (might not be the cause, but could cause issues):

    lwc-magnet feature might be disabled (unless you explicitely need it), it has been named often in context of lag.

    Iconomy: what is it used with (mysql database)?

    ChestShop: set the SHOP_INTERACTION_INTERVAL to something higher (is in ms) to not allow spamming it too much.

    Orebfuscator: Keep up to date with matching versions, disable proximity hider.

    Other plugins might be heavy too (dynmap, logblock depending on settings or setup with database).

    Did you check cpu load (also if the server cause that)? It is not the network killing it ?
  17. Offline


    Try to switch out iConomy. As iConomy is single threaded, it lags when somebody spam sells or buy.
  18. Offline


    TPS is ticks per second. So your CPU speed might be the cause. Also, Bukkit is single threaded, so only 1 core out of your eight will be used. You might want to check out spigot for multithreading and for tps increase, but use build #249. After better stable builds come out for spigot (Newer ones in the 300s have multithreading I believe) you might be pleased.Spigot:

    Edit: Added Spigot Link
  19. Thank you, with spigot I get the half of the cpu usage. But I don't understand.. A xenon server shouldn't have problem like this :/ I would like to use craftbukkit. At this point I don't think that the problem are plugins, because the biggest server (with less plugin) doesn't have any too heavy plug in (and again, even if, a xenon dedicated server should handle it). So what am I doing wrong? I also tried to use again multi craft (since I recently moved to spacebukkit) but I can't notice any difference in terms of minecraft server performance .
    Again thank you for the replies :)

    Up :(

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2016
  20. Offline


    Hello Aselox
    I have the same problem, I also have the same server at OVH. My cpu is at 18% and 17% ram TPS 4.1000 Whit 45 players online i try some Java parameter but its not working. I think my map is to big ... 20 000,65,-10 000

    -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500 -XX:SurvivorRatio=16 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -Xnoclassgc -XX:UseSSE=3
  21. Offline


    Hi,i have the same problem,my solution to this,was to go back to least it gives me some time to pinpoint the problem.. running r03 & r04 gives the same low tps,after a little while,but cpu is at 17-20% 1 online
  22. I solved using Spigot.
    With bukkit and 30players online the server had 3TPS, now it has 20TPS even with 130Players online. There's something really broken in bukkit's code.
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