Adding custom commands to the server console?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Slayer9x9, Dec 9, 2012.

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    I know how to register commands in a plugin, but I was wondering if there is a way to capture commands entered into the console.

    Is this possible?
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    if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
    //omg console command
  3. Offline


    Or if(sender instance of ConsoleCommandSender) {
    //Another cool console command
    //won't work for remote consoles
    //Another is "RemoteConsoleCommandSender"
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    Not exactly sure what you mean, but have a look at ServerCommandEvent.
    This event is fired when command is being executed from the console.

    And then there is
    if(!(sender instanceof Player)) { 
    for onCommand methods, to check if the command sender is console.
    EDIT: Dang, double ninja'd :'(
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    Lol thanks guys. It was so obvious..
    I accidentally my code.
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