Inactive [Info/Chat] iBroadcast XP [1.4.5-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by rbonk, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    What is it
    iBroadcast XP is a plugin that shows messages to users. But because the plugin doesn't use the server broadcast option it is possible to 'peronalize' the message by using the username of the player who sees the message.

    Also is the plugin using permissions, so you can define multiple lists for other groups. The standard message-group default is set by default trough the plugin. The other message-groups can be assigned trough the permission node that the plugin creates.

    Config sample

      enabled: true
      show-join-message: true
      - 'Welcome &c{player}&f to this server'
      - 'Line 2'
      - 'Line 3'
        prefix: '&1[&fTIP&1]&f'
        index: 0
        enabled: true
        random: true
        delay: 60
          - '&1[&2First&1]&f Message 1'
          - '&c[&aSecond&c]&f Message 2'
          - '&8[&6Third&8]&f Message 3'
        prefix: '&8[&cGUESTS&7]&f'
        index: 0
        enabled: true
        random: true
        delay: 60
          - '&1[&2First&1]&f G Message 1'
          - '&c[&aSecond&c]&f G Message 2'
          - '&8[&6Third&8]&f G Message 3'
    Because we want to continue developing this plugin we need testers to find any bugs or file any feature requests. The first beta is very basic and only works when you change the config.yml and reload the server. The next beta version will have commands for that!

    More info at http://dev.bukkit.or.../ibroadcast-xp/

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