Are the development builds [ 1.4.5 ] causing MAJOR lag?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Pickerbenny, Nov 17, 2012.

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    i thought something was wrong with my laptop.. so i removed the firewall, wiped everything from my hdd and started fresh with a craftbukkit 1.4.5 development build [ latest build ]
    on minecraft.exe it says full connection [143mbs] and it takes a long time to login.. once i log in chat lags realy severe bad. ive used development builds before but they wernt as laggy as the 1.4.5 builds. im getting very disapointed in bukkit. especialy since the last recomended build is STILL 1.3.2 -_- come on bukkit lets go lets focus on 1.4.5 and get a beta build out there as well as a recomended one soon. i would like to help you get a beta out there asap its just ive never made a plugin or know anything in a jar file[ but i would like to learn]
    so if anyone out there agrees with me that 1.4.5 lags.. comment below so i dont feel like the only one and any moderators can send me a link to learn how to help out with craftbukkit builds send me a link.
  2. Offline


    Define "lag". TPS lag? Chat lag?

    The only "lag" I know of is due to a change in Minecraft itself, which you can verify by changing to a vanilla server and reproducing the problem. Otherwise, look into your plugins to find the cause.

    As for RB's, it seems no one read the posts by EvilSeph stating Beta's will be released far more often now, including the builds that follow a new Minecraft version, as opposed to a RB. What an RB is meant for is an API complete, thoroughly tested build, verses a Beta which is just a well tested build but may have a lack of all APIs.
    Pickerbenny likes this.
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    lag as in typing 'hi' in chat then seeing it pop up in actual chat 5 minutes later and when logging in i fall in the center of the map and i suffocate and die. also tic's/s lag too.. dropping to 5% with only 5 people online

    thanks TnT for the information im glad beta's will be out more often. but 1.3.2 as a recomended.. it should be atleast be 1.4.2 since so many RB's came out and only 2 Beta's.

    anyway i can help make a stable bukkit build?
  4. Offline


    I've had this issue since 1.4.2 came out, I got a SSD put in my server and run the Minecraft server off of that and now I've had no performance issues. No clue what was wrong :p
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    Chat lag is to be expected with the new Minecraft change. It only really happens when you teleport to a new place as it waits for chunks to get sent first. Its not going to be easily solved unless Minecraft changes again.

    1.4.2 has 2 beta builds. They are just as good as the first couple 1.3.2 RBs. A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet. Get used to running Betas more often.

    Nothing you can do to speed it along besides running the builds, verifying bugs (Run no plugins, see if the "bugs" exist. If they do, see if they also exist in Vanilla). Report verified bugs on Bukkit to leaky, and verified bugs on vanilla to Mojang's bug tracker.
  6. Offline


    SSD? where do i get one of those.. :/

    Everytime i see an update for bukkit and it says make sure you know how to run a dev or beta build i get all confused.. isnt it as simple as a .bat file & start it up?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  7. Offline


    Sure is, however, a dev build may have code in it that completely empties your Bukkits. We want to ensure you know that by running a development build, you understand the risks of doing so.

    Never update without running good, verified, backups to restore to in the event of a problem. While we do not often have bad dev builds, we reserve the right to make mistakes.
  8. Offline


    Ok Tnt. Im So Sorry to keep bothering you but when can we bukkit server owners expect a complete compressed bukkit.jar? hours? days? weeks?
  9. Offline


    You need a dedicated server.
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    chaseoes, andrewpo, Milkywayz and 2 others like this.
  11. Offline


    Hey Tnt i also got other problems with bukkit doesnt matter what version
    first of all when im running the server i only use 50% CPU but i want to use more like 90% [ 10% for windows7 ]
    i also want to use RAM. i got 4096MB dedicated but when running i use 2-3GB all the time
    I also see youtube tutorials on people making theyre servers running faster by going to task manager and changing the proximity of cmd [ of the bukkit server ] to realtime yet i also see people changing the proximity of the actual java.exe to realtime.. if i wanted to maximise performance speed which one is better off to make the proximity realtime java.exe or cmd.exe?

    Hey Tnt i also got other problems with bukkit doesnt matter what version
    first of all when im running the server i only use 50% CPU but i want to use more like 90% [ 10% for windows7 ]
    i also want to use RAM. i got 4096MB dedicated but when running i use 2-3GB all the time
    I also see youtube tutorials on people making theyre servers running faster by going to task manager and changing the proximity of cmd [ of the bukkit server ] to realtime yet i also see people changing the proximity of the actual java.exe to realtime.. if i wanted to maximise performance speed which one is better off to make the proximity realtime java.exe or cmd.exe

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  12. Offline


    Or just buy one from any computer store (they are expensive though)
  13. Offline


    Ok but that's a waste of money if you're hosting Minecraft.
  14. Offline


    I also have this problem with dev bukkit 1.4.4/1.4.5
    On 1.4.2 workd perfect
  15. Offline


    Well build #2479 just came out.. it said in the fixes it compressed major lag teleport files.. hoping this is the build we have been waiting for
  16. Offline



    for people having an issue, dl the latest craftbukkit build #2479. You should mark this solve OP.
  17. Offline


    still i got lags, ~6TPS
  18. Offline


    1. Running a minecraft server on windows 7 is not ideal. Using linux is a lot better for a server.
    2. Playing on the same computer you host on is a incredibly bad practice.
    3. You shouldn't want to use more CPU, it uses more electricity and puts more stress on the machine, not to mention generates more heat. 50% CPU is already quite a bit, my Craftbukkit process uses around 5-10% usually according to VisualVM. This is with 20 players, 25 plugins, and 4 total worlds.
    4. An SSD is an Solid State Drive, Traditional Hard Drives (HDDs) have slow read / write speeds compared to SSDs. Minecraft servers benefit from better read / write speeds due to the constant loading / unloading of chunks.
    5. Forcing a server to use more ram is senseless, you'd be better off using the ram for a Ramdisk. Again with 20 players, 25 plugins, and 4 total worlds I use about 1GB of ram tops. However Ramdisks are somewhat advanced and you run the risk of loosing everything if you make a mistake.
    6. Overall running from home and holding 40+ players is possible but it's not easy to get it lag free. I have a dedicated machine for running my server. The specs are basically the best I could get for the 700$ I invested in the machine. My internet speed is 30mbps download and 20mbps upload. I can host 40 players with no lag at all, I haven't had any more then 40 before so I can't say for more then that.
  19. Offline


    This... makes little sense to me.

    Why would you want to change cmd.exe? Minecraft runs under java, so you'd alter that.
  20. Offline


    Even with the newest builds, I am experiencing this terrible chunk lag. I wonder what is going on here.
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