Solved Making mobs follow a player.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mollekake, Nov 10, 2012.

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  1. In a plugin i'm working on, i want specified mobs to follow specified players.
    How would i go on and do this? I want to make the mobs follow the player when the player is x nummer of blocks away.
  2. nope they are dead xd

    I can't find anything about that sorry
  3. Offline


    why not a constant stalk? (like make them follow at a few blocks distance, and teleport if the player teleports)
  4. how could i do that?
  5. Offline


    Updating their target location to the location of the player, and if the player is too far teleport. You kinda could try making them act like wolves that cannot sit
  6. Offline


    By using some nms calls you can extend the range of the mobs.

    But without the calls. To make a mob target a living entity.

  7. Wont that make them attack?
  8. Offline



    I think you may have to do some nms stuff..
  9. anyone else know how this can be done?
    is there a way to check if the mob is too far away from the player?
  10. Offline


    yes, it is called the distance between 2 Location objects
    1. public double getDistance(Location from, Location to)
    2. {
    3. from.distanceSquared(to); // gets the distance squared, a bit faster than the distance() function
    4. }
  11. yeah that gets the distance, but how would i know when to call it?
    on playermove? that would be very resource heavy
  12. Offline


    If you do not want that, use a scheduler
  13. still stuck on this one. anyone know how to make a mob follow?
  14. Offline


    Fireblast709 means you can use both events like PlayerMoveEvent or a Scheduler so inside it you calculate the distance between player and mob and then make the mob move if the distance is greater than a specified number.

    libraryaddict means that you can modify the mob itself so it targets a player constatly and so it will follow him to attack the player, and you can modify the mob too so the mob will have no attack behavior, so it will "follow".

    This both methods will just change the way the mob will follow the player, the first one will be you decide how the mob will follow, the second one will be the server algorithm decides how the mob will follow

    I think with this you can do pretty good research about Player movement check, distance between player and mob check, making a mob to move.

    When you have some of this and still have troubles come again to post ;)
    fireblast709 likes this.
  15. yeah i understand what they mean, but it's the targeting i don't like. i would love to do this without setting the player as the target. also, wouldn't this make the mob hug the player? would be annoying and if not againts it's purpose if the mob can push the player.
  16. Offline


    So you can always use the events, move the mob like you want, if you don't do it for every mob on the world, it shouldn't cause lag, but U must try it anyways.
  17. i've figured out that the setTarget function don't work, so i've got to come up with something else i guess. maybe some navigation editing
  18. Solved this by using a scheduler, which is i think the better way:
    1. public static int Task;
    2. public void followTask(){
    3. Task = plugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, new Runnable() {
    5. public void run() {
    6. if(plugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers().length < 1) plugin.getServer().getScheduler().cancelAllTasks();
    7. walkTo();
    8. }
    9. }, 20L, 20L);
    10. }
    12. public void walkTo(){
    13. System.out.print("checking");
    14. for(Player player : plugin.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()){
    15. for(LivingEntity entity : plugin.getServer().getWorld(plugin.getConfig().getString("World")).getLivingEntities()){
    16. if((EntityListener.mobowners.get(entity.getUniqueId())) == player.getName()){
    17. if(getDistance(player.getLocation(), entity.getLocation()) > 5){
    18. float speed = 0.23F;
    19. EntityListener.walkTo(entity, player.getLocation(), speed);
    20. }
    21. }
    22. }
    23. }
    24. }
    26. public double getDistance(Location from, Location to)
    27. {
    28. return from.distanceSquared(to);
    29. }
  19. Offline


  20. Yes.... Because a zombie will follow and not attack if you have wheat....
  21. Offline


    You never said anything about that ;)
  22. I never saidi only want cows and sheeps to follow either ;) anyway. Problem solved.
  23. Offline


    Haha thats nice, we never realize wheat, great one!
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