Player config

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by JJSfluffyduck, Nov 7, 2012.

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    My plan is to get people to have password for account but how could I write the player then password in the config then be able to call unpon it when need. Thanks for any help
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    use YAML:
    user: pass
    then in Java:
    1. getConfig().set(player.getName(), password); // first join
    2. getConfig().saveConfig(); // dont forget this
    3. // Next time they join, make add them to a ArrayList<String> players
    4. // Block things like movement and chat, or whatever you want
    5. // to get the password:
    6. String pass = getConfig().getString("username", "");
    7. if(pass.equals("whatever they entered"))
    8. {
    9. // Password correct
    10. }
    11. else
    12. {
    13. player.sendMessage("Password incorrect");
    14. }
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    Thanks so does it auto make the players inside the config for everyone? Also would it be possible to get them to set there on password
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    JJSfluffyduck as I used it now is just an example, a mix of different parts of code. If they join for the first time, the String pass would probably default to "", which you can treat as 'no password set'
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    THank you! You helped me out a lot, (pat your self on the back for me).
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