Need Help ASAP (Skeletons with no bows)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Tobias2189, Nov 5, 2012.

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    Um skeletons started spawning with no bows a few days ago. I think it was after I updated but I've no clue. I don't think it's one of my plugins but who knows.

    I'm wandering if anyone else is having this problem after updating bukkit?

    Only thing I've changed is updating to the latest version. Could it be due to lag? We're getting lag now to we're there was none before. Let me know if this is also happening to you or has happened and you know a fix.

    Everything was completely fine up to a couple days ago then I started noticing it.

    Update: I've figured out that when a skeleton is spawned using /spawnmob it ends up with out a bow, they also spawn with no bow when Ultimate Arena Spawns them in. Any ideas why?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
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    Confirming. I see same at the MobArena. All skeletons spawn without the bow.

    I tryed arm skeletons with bow and target him at player but these changes gave no result.

    What is the way to spawn angry dangerous skeletons?
  3. Somebody told me that 1.4.4 should allow to equip skeletons. But how?
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