Create Zone for Vip

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Bed0, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hi bukkit users :D, I'm new. (I don't speech a lot of English >.<)
    I need a plugin to create private zones for vip, where ONLY vip can enter.
    Who can help me? thanks a lot!
  2. Offline


    Residence, WorldGuard.
    Pick one
    Bed0 likes this.
  3. Offline


    vandrake thanks you a lot, residence work good.
    But i have a new problem, I want to upgrade my server to 1.4.2, residence don't work with 1.4.2 and I want to use world guard. Can you explain me how to create inacessible zone with worldguard? :) Thanks
  4. Offline


    Not trying to offend CB team but don't use the development build for 1.4.2 yet. they call it dev build for a reason. for example one of my plugins (Eggsploder) has some bugs with 1.4.2... anyways. this is not your question xD to use worldguard you need worldedit. you selectareas with it and define regions then use the WG's command to definethe flags in it. im not sure what the commands are but refr to their guide about it :) I'm sure its easy.
  5. Offline


    I'm sorry, I'm not a genious xD
    Thank, thanks :) i think i can upgrade my server when is going released the new version of bukkit :) thanks you!

    (Now i have to learn english .-.)
  6. Offline


    ahah good luck xD ^^
  7. Offline


    If you got a smaller server I'd do it, I have for 1.3 and 1.4.2 and nothings gone wrong, and if you are small likely nothing will go wrong (Not saying I'm right just saying my view and experience) But if your using worldguard and worldedit I think the best way to do it is.
    This is probably the worst way to do it but I haven't looked into other ways of doing it, and it works with me. Basically just define the regions name and g: all ranks you want access to this piece of land.

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