Need Help Installing Bukkit?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Name Goes Here, Mar 18, 2011.

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    Name Goes Here

    Operating System: Windows 7 - 64 Bit

    Architecture: Not Sure

    Java Version: 1.6.0_24

    Wrappers Currently Running: None

    CraftBukkit Build: craftbukkit_0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

    First Issue Fix: Updated Java to 1.6.0_24, then ran the file as admin

    Issue: I'm getting a "User Not Premium," how do I fix this, and how do I get my IP?

    Steps I Am Taking:
    1) Run "Craftbukkit Starter" as admin.
    2) It says "Preparing Level 'World,'
    3) Preparing Start Region
    4) For Help, Type "Help" or "?"
    5) I log in as (My Hamachi IP):25565 (It says "Starting Minecraft Server on *:25565)
    6) It says "User Not Premium"

    Added Information: The server did correctly install the needed folders, I figured out why it wasn't. It didn't have permission, cause it was in my Program Files(x86) folder at first. Moved to desktop.

    More Info:
    I've also gotten the "End of Stream" error.

    -What Files should be in the folder?
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    Update your java to 1.6.0_24 and try again. It likely won't work with Java 1.4.x.
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    Name Goes Here

    That fixed the first problem, any help on the others?
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    User not premium means you didn't buy the game. The best way to fix this is to buy the game (for many reasons).

    You can get around it by turning changing the "online-mode=true" into "online-mode=false" but you don't get any unique player names, and makes setting permissions harder. There are plugins to make this kind of server work, but honestly, just go buy the game, it'll be less work than the $20 you spend for the game.
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    Name Goes Here

    I bought the game though... hmmm... I switched it to offline mod and it's fine now.
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    Log into your client properly first then, and you won't get that message.
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