Citizens2 Trait: Lair's, Raiders, And Heroes!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Matterom, Oct 22, 2012.

  1. Offline


    With the recently updated Citizens2 Plugin in full swing i had the idea of creating a set of guild npcs, this expanded until i had a near almost working majesty setup,then it occurred to me what my server and a few others were lacking, Random NPC spawns So Here is my Idea:
    First off Dependencies:
    1:A economy plugin
    2:The Citizens2 Plugin and the sub plugin Sentry
    3:A Plugin that protects buildings and such in a organized township way (Lets say towny because that is the only one besides factions i know and i don't know how factions work)

    OK now that it has checked for those plugins this is what the config.yml should look like
    MajestyTrait configuration

    Citizens Save location:
    //Directory of the citizens save.yml file
    Lair Schematic Location:
    //Directory of lair .schematic files for loading in custom lairs

    Lair Defaults:
    Lair Respawn: false
    Lair Respawn Timer:120 // In Minutes
    Lair Density: 10/20 // Determins the minimum and maximum amount of npc "minions" any given lair would have.
    Lair Spawn on Map creation: True
    Lairs continue to spawn: false
    Lairs Respect Borders: True //Lairs will not be placed near Plugin borders or beyond them
    Lairs Respect PvP and Towns: True //Lairs will no longer spawn in areas designated nonpvp or where building protection is implemented

    Lair Biomes:
    Swamp: Spider;Zombie
    //Biomes that allow for each of the lairs to spawn in

    Raider Defaults:
    Village Raiders: True //Raiders will attack and pillage npc villages
    PvP Requirement: False //Raiders will only spawn if pvp is enabled in a location If set to false Raiders will attack whenever wherever
    Raider Frequency: 1200 //In Minutes
    Raider Varience: 100// Give or take from Frequency

    Hero: Defaults
    Wanderlust:True/False //Heroes can be found wandering your map, and attacking Lairs on their own
    Experience: True/False // The more mobs and npcs this Npc defeats increases his strength and Health
    Party: True/False//
    Share the wealth: True//False Heroes defeating a Lair or raid Return a% of their loot to their owner.

    Denizen Triggers:
    Adds the following Denizen Triggers and Command For Scripting
    RaidStart Trigger Triggered upon raid event start
    RaidLoss Trigger Triggered upon Loseing to raiders
    RaidWin Trigger Triggered upon defeating the raiders
    -ForceRaid Qty:10 Str:1 Arm:2 Hp:20 Lead:2 Type:Bandit OR Npc ID:x Target: PLAYER/NPC
    Forces a raid to begin, With 10 Npcs of Strength:1 Armor:2 Health:20 and a leader with 2x previous stats and of the Bandit Class of Raider, Alternatively it selects a npc id from the citizens save

    The Function of the lairs:
    Lairs are a Hostile Npc location that serves as a hub for Raiders
    -Lairs contain a Leader Who if killed, prevents "Minion" Npcs from re spawning till the leader -himself re-spawns, Unless the lair itself is destroyed.
    -Upon destruction Awards a bounty set in the LairtypeConfig.yml
    -Destruction is visualized by a cosmetic explosion attached to specific block and reloading the land prior to creation

    The Function of Raiders:
    -Raiders do exactly what the name Suggests, They Raid Npc villages and player Town/Factions/Protected Areas (The only Plugin i am Thoroughly Familiar with is Towny )
    For Towny the npcs progress through the town to its home block, afterwards they proceed to attack anything within that imediate area. After a undetermined set time of weakining that block they take a % of the towns Bank and leave, Should They Be defeated the winning town gains a reward based upon the strength of the raid, Any heroes involved take their cut and leave.
    Player towns are warned of impending raids and have time to prepare.
    Idealy Should npcs not be able to achieve gaining access to the home block Through Excessively High walls or Other Impediments like a blast proof wall, They can opt to Drill a hole Through the wall. to get to their goal.
    This would be a setting and should it be false then the raiders simply give up and de-spawn, resulting in no reward.
    Walls over 30 blocks high are considered excessive, Below that and npcs will build ladders to scale it
    Players themselves can be targeted for Raids, When that happens it becomes a fight for survival or a run for the hills encounter, A wandering hero will intervene if you happen to pass near one.

    The Function of Heroes:
    Hero Class Npcs are Individual Npcs That Wander around the Contenent in groups of 1 to a max of 4.
    Heroes will from time to time wander into a lair, and defeat that lair on their own..or Die trying to. Heroes Will Gain Cash rewards for themselves but for right now its nonexistent currency.
    Heroes If owned when killing mobs, Npcs or Lairs Share a small % to their owner, or Town should he belong to one.
    Heros will gain Experience based on how many npcs he has killed, Possibly a setting determining the value of each npc in terms of experience, And lvling up will increase that npc's Strength, Attack rate for ranged weapons, Health and HP Regen, or just health and Hp Regen if strength stat is not used for his sentry type.
    Should be caps on attack rate and Regen
    HeroNpc Limit Based on Town Size, or Something to a similar effect

    Lair Commands:
    /Lair create (Type) (Occupant)
    /Lair Remove //Removes the Nearest Lair

    Raider Commands:
    /Raider Raid (Town/Target) (Strength) //Forces a raid on the target Town or even Player

    Some Hero/Player interaction Commands:
    /Hero Call // A hero out adventureing will hear the call and rush to aid
    /Hero Summon // Quickly summons a hero with a cash cost
    /Hero Recruit // Places a Sign at you Current Position, the Nearest Hero Will wander to it, Right clicking him will change ownership to the player that issued the command., or if the sign is in a town, the npc will be added to the town.
    /Hero Dismiss, Dismisses a hero freeing him from ownership and re enables wanderlust
    /Hero Adventure //Enables Wanderlust on a Owned Hero, letting it go exploring and Adventuring.

    The Types of Lairs i can currently imagine are:
    Spider Nests Swamp
    Bandit Hideouts (Archer and sword Npcs) Forest and Swamp
    Graveyards (Zombie and skeletons) Forest and swamp
    Warlock Coven (Magic Using Npcs) AnyBiome
    Nether Portal (Various Nether Mobs) Anybiome

    The information needed to develop this can be found here:
    Information on the java docs and the Api for the Trait factory are all there.

    Edited for Clarity and addtitional information 10/23
  2. Offline


    Ok seriously whats wrong with it, To complicated as a request?
  3. Offline


    I hasn't even been a day since you posted...
  4. Offline


    Ok that came off wrong, i just wanted an opinion of the overall idea, and any additional thoughts about it

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