Trying to add prizes to SurvivalGames

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by xDusk, Oct 18, 2012.

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    I had a bit of help in #bukkitdev irc but it didn't work out. To capture when a player wins I was using something along the lines of this with SurvivalGames as a library. Nothing happens when they win though but this isn't throwing any errors. What could be the problem?

    PS: I'm not modifying SG, I'm doing this through a totally separate plugin.
  2. Offline


    Try, instead, to detect the winning of the game, instead of the players. As that could cause problems.
  3. Offline


    So how would I know when playerWin() is called?
    EDIT: Or is there another way to find out when someone wins? If you want to take a look just decompile SurvivalGames with JD-GUI or something of the like.
  4. Offline


    Why not just use the SurvivalGames plugin as a dependency and using it's API?
  5. Offline


    IT doesn't have one
  6. Offline


    So no clue as to how I can go about this?
  7. Offline


    As we have one on our HungerGames server, we checked for worlds
  8. Offline


    You were able to reward prizes to the victor via checking worlds? That sounds incredibly backwards.
  9. Offline


    Not really, we just checked what world they were in, since we used different worlds with each arena, they when they got back to the main world, we rewarded them!
  10. Offline


    Still no solution :/ snippets anyone?
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    Codex Arcanum

    Does SG do anything special when the player wins? Teleport them to a certain place perhaps? If not, you could have a task that watches for the SG victory conditions (last man standing in this world?) and then reward them when they change worlds.
  12. Offline


    Yeah but it doesn't transport worlds, just to the set lobby.
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