Making a custom server online banner

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Hockeymikey, Oct 7, 2012.

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    I want to make a banner that shows my server is online and a few other stats like The only thing is that I want to customize it to how I like. How would I achieve this?
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    You'll need a PHP script which pings your server, then it will echo either an online or offline banner, correspondingly. Hockeymikey
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    how do they have the charts like online percent and line graph showing players online in the past?
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    Like Royal says you need to use some sort of server side scripting for the image.
    If the image gets viewed a lot I wouldn't ping the server everytime. Maybe a cronjob on the webserver that pings the MC server every 5-15 minutes and change a '0' or '1' in the database if the server is online or not. The image script could then use that to determine if your Minecraft server is up or not. And if 5 minutes is too long, you could always manually change it to '1'. For example if the server is back online after a crash and you don't want to wait 5 minutes before the image registers it as online.
    I've experimented with getting data from other sites before I present the page to the user with PHP before, and that took at least one second+ to load. With only pinging a server it wouldn't need to take as long as with getting more data, but every 0.1 of a second counts(!) ;) .

    You could store in the database when the Minecraft server was online when it got pinged, with date and everything (UnixTimeStamp prefered, so that maybe a plugin on your Minecraft server could use the data to show the information in-game), and make a graph out of that.
    There are enough free graph maker PHP classes to find on the web which you could use with ease.
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