Looking for a Buycraft listener

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Epics, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Need a plugin that listens for buycraft donations and ranks people according to their current rank.

    It's basically for detecting factions and setting their group to the faction group of donator, therefore...
    if player one is in halfblood and donates, he would be put in halfblooddonator vs. randomfactiondonator.

    This would be very appreciative from our community and it would have an additional bonus if you can get this right for us.
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    I don't think buycraft has any API because they want you to use their built in features.. I have buycraft on my server and it works perfect, if you buy the webpage you can put in commands to be ran when a player buys something.
  4. Offline


    Im pretty sure they have an api..

    Offtopic, avantehosting are so shit, 1000ms ping minimum...

    I lost my server files 8 time from their cpu outage which somehow affected their hdd..
  5. Offline


    I agree 100%, i hate avante.. The only reason i have my signature is because I used to know the owner pretty well.
  6. Offline


    If you hate Avante and used to know the owner well then why not change your signature? ;)
    np98765 likes this.
  7. Offline


    Because it was my first time working with .git animations :3. Also, for everyone who buys through that picture, i get about 15% of the profit :3

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