Cant Run 2 Bukkit Servers on Ubuntu

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by piemaster, Sep 28, 2012.

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    Hello. I am trying to host two bukkit servers on my Ubuntu machine. Its running 12.04. I launch the server by running the, and the terminal window opens all fine. Then, I try to open my tekkit server, and the terminal window for the tekkit server wont open until I stop the other server and close the window. I've tried running it in different work spaces, but that didn't work. Any way I can run both?
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    No one? I made sure the memory usages were not conflicting, but still no go :( I can open the second terminal window, but after a few seconds it closes the first.
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    Are they trying to run on the same port? Look in
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    Nope. One is on the default port and the other is :25567
  5. Offline


    On my Windows 7 PC, I made an E:\CB132 folder and an E:\CraftBukkit folder. They have the same files in each. I modified the startup.bat file so it changes to the correct folder before starting the jar. I also modified and only changed the port. One was set to 25655, the other 25555 and I was able to start up both at the same time without an errors. I then jumped into Minecraft and saw both servers at the same time in the list (once I added them). I was able to hop from one to the other without any problem and no console errors either.

    I have not tried on Ubuntu yet but I'm sure I could get it to work too.

    Does your server.log give you any indication as to why it crashed/stopped?
  6. Offline


    I run multiple copies at the same time on Ubuntu 12.04 (server, no GUI, but they are the same). We need more information to help you.

    Start up scripts. Folder locations, etc, etc...
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    this is prob not the issue but are you running as root or .....?
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