Plugins question

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by kursed-kid, Aug 30, 2012.

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    Does anybody know if there is a way to work plugins with mineshafter? When i run my server with my start.bat file the plugins will work but not when i run the mineshafter server proxy. Is there any way to fix this or is this just the way it has to be?
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    Deleted user

    What, is Mineshafter a "free minecraft" thing? well if so, tell me if you can log on ANY servers.
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    yeah it is, i don't really have interest in joining other server that's not my problem, it's just for my server when it's opened through mineshafter the plugins don't work for anyone kinda like they aren't even there. but running it with the start.bat file allows for the plugins to work.
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    There's a thing called Google, you know.
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    Deleted user

    Well. (yeah i was shady on mineshafter) but, if you want to be able to play on servers, BUY MINECRAFT. Mineshafter is for SINGLEPLAYER ONLY. Bukkit does not support mineshafter. (the only reason it lets you on is because its your own ip. sorry. (Plugins wont work.) you may be able to play with friends without plugins), but really, BUY IT!
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