TOWNY EXPERTS: Customizing Towny Messages (english.yml and a customenglish.yml)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by jcan89, Aug 14, 2012.

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    I tried to edit Towny's english.yml file so I can use custom messages on my server, but it seems to keep reverting to the original file. Is it possible to change this? Or is Towny just teasing me?
    Thanks for any help!

    Ok, so I noticed at the top of the english.yml file that it says:

    I made a new file called englishcustom.yml and told the config to load it as the language file. Now all the messages in the game chat are blank. I don't know what's going on.

    Here's my englishcustom.yml:
    name: Towny
    version: 0.18
    language: english
    author: ElgarL
    website: ''
    description: >
        Language file for all game messages.  Do not alter this file.
        If you wish to change any of the entries, make a copy named something else.
        Alternate language files can be enabled by altering the
        [language] entry in config.yml
    #        You MUST retain spacing in the texts.
    #  If a text begins or ends with a space, it must remain that way.
    #      %s = data to be supplied by the plugin.
    # Text colouring
    # --------------
    # Black = &0, Navy = &1, Green = &2, Blue = &3, Red = &4
    # Purple = &5, Gold = &6, LightGray = &7, Gray = &8
    # DarkPurple = &9, LightGreen = &a, LightBlue = &b
    # Rose = &c, LightPurple = &d, Yellow = &e, White = &f
    default_towny_prefix: '&6[New-Heights] &b'
    unclaimed_plot_name: 'Unowned'
    unclaimed_zone_name: 'Wilderness'
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |help messages                                        | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    help_0: 'General Towny Help'
    help_1: 'Try the following commands to learn more about towny.'
    help_2: 'Company Chat'
    help_3: 'Corporate Chat'
    town_help_1: 'Your company''s status'
    town_help_2: '[Founder]'
    town_help_3: 'Selected company''s status'
    town_help_4: 'Shortcut to the company''s status of your location.'
    town_help_5: 'Teleport to company''s spawn.'
    town_help_6: 'New town with you as Founder.'
    town_help_7: 'New town with target Founder.'
    town_help_8: 'List commands for Founders.'
    town_help_9: 'Today''s the day!'
    town_help_10: 'List all online employees in company'
    mayor_help_3: 'Claim area not attached to company'
    mayor_help_4: 'Claim around you to a radius of X'
    mayor_help_5: 'Claim to the maximum radius'
    mayor_help_6: 'Unclaim this companyblock'
    mayor_help_7: 'Attempt to unclaim around you.'
    mayor_help_8: 'Attempt to unclaim all companyblocks.'
    nation_help_1: 'Your corporation''s status'
    nation_help_2: '[corporation]'
    nation_help_3: 'Target corporation''s status'
    nation_help_4: 'List all corporations'
    nation_help_5: 'Leave your corporation'
    nation_help_6: 'Create a new corporation'
    nation_help_7: 'List the CEO commands'
    nation_help_8: 'Create a new corporation'
    nation_help_9: 'List all online employees in corporation'
    king_help_1: 'Corporation CEO Help'
    king_help_2: 'Set your alliance.'
    king_help_3: 'Set your enemies.'
    res_1: 'Your status'
    res_2: '[Employee]'
    res_3: 'Target employee''s status'
    res_4: 'List all active players'
    res_5: 'for help'
    res_6: 'Online match'
    res_7: 'Exact name'
    mode_1: 'Show the map between each companyblock'
    mode_2: 'Attempt to claim as you walk'
    mode_3: 'Attempt to unclaim as you walk'
    mode_4: 'Default chat to company channel'
    mode_5: 'Default chat to corporate channel'
    mode_6: 'Can place %s in enemy borders to make warzones.'
    plot_perms: 'Use %s instead of %s for plot permissions.'
    plot_perms_1: 'Employee plots don't make use of outsider permissions.'
    res_list: 'Employees'
    res_sing: 'Employee'
    mayor_sing: 'Founder'
    admin_sing: 'Admin'
    nation_sing: 'Corporation'
    nation_plu: 'Corporations'
    king_sing: 'CEO'
    town_plu: 'Companies'
    world_plu: 'Worlds'
    world_sing: 'World'
    world_help_1: 'Current world''s status'
    world_help_2: '[world]'
    world_help_3: 'Target worlds''s status'
    world_help_4: 'List all worlds'
    world_help_5: 'Regenerate this chunk'
    townyadmin_help_1: 'Unclaim this companyblock'
    townyadmin_help_2: 'Attempt to unclaim around you.'
    ta_panel_1: 'Towny Admin Panel'
    ta_panel_2: 'WarTime: '
    ta_panel_3: 'Health Regen: '
    ta_panel_4: 'World Mob Removal: '
    ta_panel_4_1: 'Company Mob Removal: '
    ta_panel_5: 'Daily Timer: '
    ta_panel_6: 'Economy: '
    ta_panel_7: 'Bank Accounts: '
    ta_panel_8: 'Server'
    ta_panel_9: 'Memory: '
    ta_panel_10: 'Threads: '
    ta_panel_11: 'Time: '
    admin_panel_1: 'Admin panel'
    admin_panel_2: 'reload Towny'
    admin_panel_3: 'Run the new day code'
    msg_block_claim: 'Claim this companyblock'
    msg_plot_nfs: 'Take down a plot for sale'
    msg_nfs_abr: '&e''fs'' and ''nfs'' are accepted abbreviations for ''forsale'' and ''notforsale''.'
    msg_plot_fs: 'Put this area up for auction.'
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |  Messages                                          | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    msg_buy: '&bBought %d %s for %s.'
    msg_buy_resident_plot: '&b%s bought %s''s plot for %s!'
    msg_couldnt_pay_taxes: '&b%s couldn''t pay taxes and was kicked from the %s.'
    msg_couldnt_pay_plot_taxes: '&b%s couldn''t pay taxes and lost ownership of a plot.'
    msg_payed_town_tax: '&bPayed company tax of '
    msg_payed_plot_cost: '&bPayed %s for %s plots in %s'
    msg_payed_resident_tax: '&bPayed resident tax of '
    msg_bankrupt_town: ' couldn''t afford to remain a company.'
    msg_bankrupt_nation: ' couldn''t afford to remain a corporation.'
    msg_nation_not_neutral: '&bcorporation couldn''t afford it''s neutral state.'
    msg_nation_cant_neutral: '&bcorporation couldn''t afford to become a neutral nation.'
    msg_neutral_disabled: '&bcorporation neutrality is disabled globally.'
    msg_you_paid: '&bYou paid %s to set neutral status.'
    msg_nation_set_neutral: '&bSuccessfully changed corporation''s neutrality.'
    msg_nation_allow_neutral: '&bcorporation permissions to remain neutral are now: %s'
    msg_mobremoval_world: '&bBlocking world mob spawns: %s'
    msg_mobremoval_town: '&bPermit blocking company mob spawns: %s'
    msg_nation_neutral: '&bYour corporation is now'
    msg_tax_exempt: '&bCompany staff are exempt from taxes.'
    msg_del_nation: '&bThe corporation %s was disbanded!'
    msg_del_resident: '&b%s lost all his Business data!'
    msg_del_town: '&bThe company %s went bankrupt!'
    msg_join_nation: '&bThe company %s joined the corporation!'
    msg_join_town: '&b%s joined the company!'
    msg_friend_add: '&b%s added you as a friend.'
    msg_friend_remove: '&b%s removed you as their friend!'
    msg_removed: '&bRemoved '
    msg_from_list: 'from your friend list.'
    msg_to_list: 'to your friend list.'
    msg_left_town: '&b%s left town'
    msg_you_left: '&bYou left %s.'
    msg_not_mayor: '&bYou are not the Founder.'
    msg_not_king: '&bYou are not the CEO'
    msg_not_mayor_ass: '&bYou are not the Founder or an assistant.'
    msg_not_king_ass: '&bYou are not the CEO or an assistant.'
    msg_own_nation_disallow: '&bYou can not do this to your own corporation.'
    msg_no_perms_claim: '&bYou do not have permission to expand your company.'
    msg_outpost_disable: '&bOutposts are not available.'
    msg_kicked_by: '&bYou were fired from the company by %s.'
    msg_kicked: '&b%s fired %s from the company.'
    msg_nation_kicked_by: '&bYour company was removed from the corporation by %s.'
    msg_town_left_nation: '&bYour company left the corporation %s.'
    msg_nation_town_left: '&bThe company %s left your corporation.'
    msg_nation_kicked: '&b%s removed %s from the corporation.'
    msg_raised_ass: '&b%s promoted %s to %s assistant.'
    msg_lowered_to_res_by: '&bYou were demoted to a regular employee by %s.'
    msg_lowered_to_res: '&b%s demoted %s to regular employee.'
    msg_invalid_name: '&bNone of those names were valid.'
    msg_invited_join_town: '&b%s invited %s to company.'
    msg_invited_join_nation: '&b%s invited %s to the corporation.'
    msg_deny_invite: '&b%s does not wish to work for you.'
    msg_invited: '&bYou''ve been invited to work for %s.'
    msg_town_online: 'Online in Company'
    msg_nation_online: 'Online in Corporation'
    msg_allied_nations: '&b%s allied with the corporation %s.'
    msg_broke_alliance: '&b%s broke their alliance with the corporation %s.'
    msg_enemy_nations: '&b%s wishes ill for the corporation %s.'
    msg_enemy_to_neutral: '&b%s has changed it''s status to neutral towards %s.'
    msg_added_ally: '&b%s allied with your corporation.'
    msg_removed_ally: '&b%s canceled the alliance with your corporation.'
    msg_added_enemy: '&b%s wishes ill on your corporation.'
    msg_removed_enemy: '&b%s has become peaceful towards your corporation.'
    msg_unable_ally_enemy: '&cUnable to ally %s as they have us as enemies.'
    msg_claimed: '&2Successfully claimed'
    msg_unclaimed: '&2Successfully unclaimed'
    msg_not_claimable: '&cThis world is not claimable.'
    msg_abandoned_area: '&bAbandoned area %s'
    msg_admin_unclaim_area: '&cForcefully unclaimed area  %s'
    msg_abandoned_area_1: '&bYour company abandoned the area'
    msg_no_money_purchase_plot: '&cYou don''t have enough money to purchase this plot.'
    msg_town_no_money_purchase_plot: '&cThe company doesn''t have enough money to purchase back this plot.'
    msg_no_funds_new_town: '&c%s can''t afford to settle a new company here.'
    msg_no_funds_claim: '&cCompany cannot afford to claim %s  companyblocks costing %s. Add more money into the company bank.'
    msg_no_funds_to_buy: '&cCompany cannot afford to buy %s %s costing %s. Add more money into the company bank.'
    msg_annexed_area: '&2Annexed area %s'
    msg_max_plot_own: '&cYou cannot own more than %s plots.'
    msg_wait_locked: '&2Please be patient, the plots will become availabe soon.'
    msg_no_funds_new_nation: '&cThe company can''t afford to start a new corporation.'
    msg_already_claimed: '&cThis area has already been claimed by: %s'
    msg_already_claimed_1: '&cThis area (%s) already belongs to someone.'
    msg_already_claimed_2: '&cThis area has already been claimed.'
    msg_too_close: '&cThis area is too close to another company.'
    msg_too_far: '&cThis area is too far away from the other companies.'
    msg_not_claimed: '&bThis area (%s) hasn''t been claimed.'
    msg_not_claimed_1: '&bThis area had not been claimed.'
    msg_not_own_area: '&cYou do not own the selected area.'
    msg_not_own_place: '&bThis place is not owned by anyone.'
    msg_area_not_own: '&cThis area does not belong to you.'
    msg_area_not_recog: '&cThis area isn''t recognized by this server. Contact and Admin.'
    msg_specify_name: '&bSpecify company name'
    msg_specify_nation_name: '&bSpecify corporation name'
    msg_peasant_right: '&bAn employee doesn''t have the right to force his leaders.'
    msg_cost_spawn: '&bYou were charged %s to teleport to the company''s HQ.'
    msg_cost_spawn_refund: '&bYou were refunded the charge for using company HQ.'
    msg_town_spawn_warmup: '&bWaiting to teleport...'
    msg_town_rename_disabled: '&bCompany Renaming Disabled'
    msg_town_set_name: '&b%s renamed company to %s.'
    msg_nation_set_name: '&b%s renamed corporation to %s.'
    msg_changed_pvp: '&c%s PVP has been %s.'
    msg_changed_public: '&cThe Company''s public status is now %s.'
    msg_changed_expl: '&cExplosions in %s are now %s.'
    msg_changed_fire: '&cFirespread in %s is now %s.'
    msg_changed_mobs: '&cMonster spawns in %s are now %s.'
    msg_changed_taxpercent: '&cPercentage based taxes are now %s.'
    msg_changed_open: '&cInviteless joining is now %s.'
    msg_toggle_open_on_warning: 'Warning: Companyperms should be turned off if company is set OPEN. Type ''/town set perm off'' followed by ''/town set perm reset''.'
    msg_changed_world_setting: '&c%s for %s is: %s.'
    msg_world_pvp: '&cThis world is PvP only.'
    msg_world_mobs: '&cThis world has Monster spawns forced on.'
    msg_world_expl: '&cThis world has Explosions forced on.'
    msg_world_fire: '&cThis world has Fire spread forced on.'
    msg_plot_pvp: '&cPVP can not be toggled in an Arena Plot.'
    msg_plot_regen_wrong_size: '&cRegen can only be performed when the default plot size (16) is used.'
    msg_reloaded: '&2Towny''s settings were reloaded.'
    msg_undo_complete: '&2Undo complete.'
    msg_give_total: '&bGave %s bonus. (Total: %s)'
    mag_backup_success: '&2Backup successful.'
    msg_xx_withdrew_xx: '&b%s withdrew %s from the %s bank.'
    msg_xx_deposited_xx: '&b%s deposited %s into the %s bank.'
    msg_insuf_funds: '&cYou don''t have that much.'
    msg_err_withdraw_disabled: 'Withdrawing from this bank is disabled!'
    msg_err_deposit_capped: 'Unable to desposit money. This bank is capped at %s.'
    msg_set_town_home: '&bSuccessfully changed company''s home block to %s'
    msg_set_town_spawn: '&bSuccessfully changed company''s HQ.'
    msg_set_outpost_spawn: '&bSuccessfully changed outpost''s HQ.'
    msg_set_title: '&b%s was granted the title of ''%s''.'
    msg_set_surname: '&b%s was granted the surname of ''%s''.'
    msg_clear_title_surname: '&bThe %s for ''%s'' was cleared.'
    msg_clear_plot_material: '&bThe plot was cleared of all %s''s.'
    msg_set_perms: '&bSuccessfully changed permissions to:'
    msg_set_claim: '&bSuccessfully changed %s''s claimability to %s'
    msg_set_perms_reset: '&bSuccessfully reset permissions on all %s plots.'
    msg_usedefault: '&bThis world (%s) is now using the global default settings.'
    msg_set_wild_perms: '&bSuccessfully changed %s''s wild permissions %s'
    msg_set_wild_ignore: '&bSuccessfully changed %s''s wild ignore blocks to %s'
    msg_set_wild_name: '&bSuccessfully changed %s''s wild name to %s'
    msg_set_use_towny_on: '&bThis world now follows towny rules.'
    msg_set_use_towny_off: '&cThis world is exempt of all towny interactions.'
    msg_error_must_be_int: '&bAmount must be an integer.'
    msg_error_must_be_num: '&bAmount must be a number.'
    msg_must_specify_amnt: '&bMust specify amount. Eg: %s 54'
    msg_town_set_tax: '&b%s has set the daily resident tax at %s'
    msg_town_set_plottax: '&b%s has set the daily tax of plots at %s'
    msg_town_set_plotprice: '&b%s has set the price of plots at %s'
    msg_town_set_alttax: '&b%s has set the daily tax of %s plots at %s'
    msg_town_set_altprice: '&b%s has set the price of %s plots at %s'
    msg_town_set_nation_tax: '&b%s has set the nation tax at %s'
    msg_set_nation_tag: '&b%s has set the corporation tag to [%s]'
    msg_set_town_tag: '&b%s has set the company tag to [%s]'
    msg_reset_nation_tag: '&b%s has cleared the corporation tag.'
    msg_reset_town_tag: '&b%s has cleared the company tag.'
    msg_mayor_abandon: '&bYou would abandon your employees? Choose another Founder with ''/town set mayor'' if your sure.'
    msg_new_day_tax: '&bA new day is here! Taxes and fees have been collected'
    msg_new_day: '&bA new day is here!'
    msg_new_king: '&b%s is now the CEO of %s!'
    msg_err_new_king_notmayor: '&cNew CEO is not a Founder.'
    msg_err_king_not_in_nation: '&cNew CEO doesn''t belong to this corporation.'
    msg_err_fight_like_king: '&cNeutrality is not an option! Fight like a man!'
    msg_no_access_nation_bank: '&cYou don''t have access to the corporation''s bank.'
    msg_err_no_money: '&cThere is not enough money in the bank.'
    msg_new_mayor: '&b%s is now the Founder!'
    msg_new_nation: '&b%s created a new corporation called %s'
    msg_new_town: '&b%s created a new company called %s'
    msg_plot_for_sale: '&b%s put the plot (%s) up for sale!'
    msg_plot_set_type: '&bPlot type set to %s'
    msg_registration: '&eWelcome %s to the server!'
    msg_war_eliminated: '&6[War]&b %s was eliminated from the war.'
    msg_war_forfeited: '&6[War]&b %s forfeited.'
    msg_war_join: '&6[War] &b%s joined the fight!'
    msg_war_join_forced: '&6[War]&b The corporation of %s has been forced into war due to global settings!'
    msg_war_join_nation: '&6[War]&b The corporation of %s has joined the war!'
    msg_war_lose_block: '&6[War]&b (%s) belonging to %s has fallen.'
    msg_war_score: '&6[War]&b %s scored %d points!'
    msg_war_cannot_do: '&cYou cannot do this when the world is at war.'
    msg_war_started: '&eStarted the war countdown.'
    msg_war_ended: '&eEnded the current war.'
    msg_enemy_war_area_under_attack: '&6[War]&b %s (%s) is under attack by %s!'
    msg_enemy_war_area_won: '&6[War]&b %s (%s) won (%s)!'
    msg_enemy_war_area_defended: '&6[War]&b %s defended (%s)!'
    msg_err_enemy_war_must_be_placed_above_ground: '&6[War]&c Must place flag above ground.'
    msg_err_enemy_war_not_part_of_nation: '&6[War]&c This area doesn''t belong to a nation.'
    msg_err_enemy_war_is_neutral: '&6[War]&c %s is neutral.'
    msg_err_enemy_war_require_online: '&6[War]&c Require at least %d people online in %s to attack.'
    msg_err_enemy_war_not_on_edge_of_town: '&6[War]&c Only allowed to attack the borders of a town.'
    msg_err_enemy_war_cell_already_under_attack: '&6[War]&c This area is already under attack by %s.'
    msg_err_enemy_war_reached_max_active_flags: '&6[War]&c You can''t attack more than %d areas at once.'
    msg_cache_block_error: '&cYou have not been registered with Towny. Try relogging.'
    msg_cache_block_error_wild: '&cNot allowed to %s in the wild.'
    msg_cache_block_error_plot: '&cOwner doesn''t allow %s to %s here.'
    msg_cache_block_error_locked: '&cThis plot is locked!'
    msg_cache_block_error_town_resident: '&cEmployees aren''t allowed to %s here.'
    msg_cache_block_error_town_allies: '&cAllies aren''t allowed to %s.'
    msg_cache_block_error_town_outsider: '&cOutsiders aren''t allowed to %s.'
    msg_err_cant_afford_tp_town: '&cCannot afford to teleport to %s.'
    msg_err_not_public: '&cThat company is not public.'
    msg_err_not_open: '&cThe company %s does not have it''s doors open to everyone. Ask the Founder or an assistant to join.'
    msg_err_town_spawn_forbidden: '&cCompany HQ travel is forbidden.'
    msg_err_town_spawn_nation_forbidden: '&cCompany HQ travel to other companies in your corporation is forbidden.'
    msg_err_town_spawn_ally_forbidden: '&cCompany HQ travel to companies allied with your corporation is forbidden.'
    msg_err_public_spawn_forbidden: '&cPublic HQ travel to other companies is forbidden.'
    msg_err_public_spawn_enemy: '&cPublic HQ travel is forbidden for enemies.'
    msg_err_town_spawn_disallowed_from: '&cCompany HQ is not allowed from %s.'
    msg_err_outpost_spawn: '&cThere are no outpost HQ''s set for this company.'
    msg_err_cant_afford_tp: '&bCannot afford to teleport to your company''s HQ.'
    msg_err_plot_nfs: '&cThis plot is not for sale.'
    msg_err_not_part_town: '&cSelected area is not part of your company.'
    msg_err_not_attached_edge: '&cSelected area not attached to edge.'
    msg_err_empty_area_selection: '&cSelected area contains no valid plots.'
    msg_err_not_enough_blocks: '&cNot enough available companyblocks to claim this selection.'
    msg_err_cant_afford_blocks: '&cCompany cannot afford to claim %s companyblocks costing %s'
    msg_err_not_in_town_claim: '&cYou must belong to a company in order to claim plots.'
    msg_err_must_belong_town: '&cYou must belong to a company.'
    msg_err_dont_belong_town: '&cYou don''t belong to a company.'
    msg_err_dont_belong_nation: '&bYou don''t belong to a corporation.'
    msg_err_not_same_nation: '&b%s doesn''t belong to your corporation.'
    msg_err_rect_auto: '&cOnly companies and employees can use auto.'
    msg_err_invalid_radius: '&cInvalid radius. Use an integer or ''auto''.'
    msg_err_not_configured: '&cThis world has not been configured by the server.'
    msg_err_updating_item_perms: '&cError updating item use permissions cache.'
    msg_err_updating_switch_perms: '&cError updating switch permissions cache.'
    msg_err_updating_destroy_perms: '&cError updating destroy permissions cache.'
    msg_err_updating_build_perms: '&cError updating build permissions cache.'
    msg_err_admin_only: '&cOnly an admin can use this command.'
    msg_err_admin_only_delete: '&cOnly an admin can delete another employee''s data.'
    msg_err_admin_only_delete_town: '&cOnly an admin can delete another company''s data.'
    msg_err_admin_only_delete_nation: '&cOnly an admin can delete another corporation''s data.'
    msg_err_online_or_npc: '&c%s is Online or is an NPC.'
    msg_err_not_registered: '&cYou are not registered'
    msg_err_not_registered_1: '&c%s is not registered'
    msg_err_invalid_name: '&c%s is an invalid name.'
    msg_err_already_res: '&c%s already belongs to a company.'
    msg_err_already_in_town: '&c%s is already a part of %s.'
    msg_err_already_nation: '&cTarget company already belongs to a corporation.'
    msg_err_invalid_property: '&cInvalid ''%s'' property.'
    msg_err_not_supported: '&cNot yet supported.'
    msg_err_invalid_input: '&cInvalid input. Use %s'
    msg_err_negative: '&cInput cannot be negative.'
    msg_err_input_too_long: '&cInput too long.'
    msg_err_invalid_choice: '&cInvalid choice'
    msg_err_invalid_sub: '&cInvalid sub command.'
    msg_err_command_disable: '&cCommand disabled: Using permissions.'
    msg_err_universe_limit: '&cThe universe cannot hold any more companies.'
    msg_err_too_many_npc: '&cToo many npc''s registered.'
    msg_err_negative_money: '&cNegative money is stupid. Weirdo.'
    msg_err_not_percentage: '&cPercentages must be below 100.'
    msg_err_no_economy: '&cEconomy has not been turned on.'
    msg_err_not_block_type: '&cThat is not a valid plot type!'
    msg_not_allowed_join: '&c%s is not permitted to join a company.'
    msg_offline_no_join: '&c%s is offline but using permissions so can''t join a company.'
    msg_err_warzone_cannot_edit_material: '&cCannot %s %s in warzone.'
    msg_err_warzone_cannot_use_switches: '&cCannot use switches in warzone.'
    msg_err_warzone_cannot_use_item: '&cCannot use this item in a warzones.'
    msg_err_cannot_perform_action: '&cCannot perform this action in the %s.'
    # WarFlag Economy
    msg_enemy_war_purchased_warflag: '&6[War]&c You payed %s in fees to attack.'
    msg_enemy_war_area_won_pillage: '&6[War]&c %s pillaged %s from %s.'
    msg_enemy_war_area_won_rebuilding: '&6[War]&c %s payed %s to %s for rebuilding.'
    msg_enemy_war_area_won_rebuilding_err: 'You don''t have enough to pay %s %s to aid in rebuilding.'
    msg_enemy_war_area_won_rebuilding_err_global: '%s could not pay the %s. Attack at %s was canceled.'
    msg_err_insuficient_funds_warflag: 'You require %s in order to place a warflag.'
    msg_err_insuficient_funds_future: 'You require %s in the event you need to pay for %s.'
    name_defended_attack: 'defended attack'
    name_rebuilding: 'rebuilding fine'
    msg_enemy_war_area_defended_attacker: '&6[War]&c You were forced to pay %s %s for your failed attack.'
    msg_enemy_war_area_defended_defender: '&6[War]&c %s payed you %s for the failed attack.'
    msg_enemy_war_area_defended_greater_forces: '&6[War]&c Your failed attack costed you %s.'
    msg_warning_delete: '&4*** WARNING, %s WILL BE DELETED AT NEXT NEW DAY DUE TO LACK OF FUNDS ***'
    # these messages are only used if town/nation creation is set to admins only
    msg_admin_only_create_nation: '&cOnly admins are allowed to create corporations.'
    msg_admin_only_create_town: '&cOnly admins are allowed to create companies.'
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  2. Offline


    This problem is still unresolved.
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