[DEV NEEDED] rpg skill plugin.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by zbshadow, Aug 13, 2012.

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    Hi i run a server named zcraft or will be soon once i get a rpg plugin to base my server around. I have ran servers for several years and had some very succesful ones that all died to the chunk error issue. But i understand more about how to prevent that and stuff and just keeping the backups i really wanna get a set in stone 1 of a kind server rpg experience which i can do but there are no good leveling plugins out there that fit my desires. They are all either to over whelmed with unneeded or repeated skills like the plugin DrawfCraft(http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/dwarfcraft/) or they are over used by other servers and i cant do what i want with them like mcmmo(http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/mcmmo/).

    In the past i have used mcmmo like many other servers but i find i wanna encourage people to use in game money and so on and go to trainers to train there skills. Now dwarfcraft does this with out money but with items which is an ok idea that i could live with but its got way to many uneeded skills. I would love to see less skills in that plugin. Plus it encourages you to train by your skills being so low that wheat might not drop you anything when harvest or your pickaxe breaks faster which is great. But still way to many skills. So im looking for someone who will make a plugin that is similar to dwarf craft but the skills of mcmmo. Simpler skills but the reward/punishment system of training or not training in dwarfcraft. Plus the style of training in dwarf craft. I got exacts writen out of what i would like it to do and so on just need a dev to make it since i dont have time to learn java, write the plugin, plus run my server and so on.
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    Wrong Forum. This is Plugin Requests, you need to post this in ''Show off your Bukkit Server!''

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