Looking for a chest-logging plugin

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by asbomine, Aug 8, 2012.

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    I'd like to view a log for who accessed what chests and what they did. I run a small server and occasionally, people complain that their stuff is missing. I'd like to be sure whether they just misplaced it or if someone is going through other people's chests.
    Thanks for the help!
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    I'm not sure about any chest logs but what I would do is get a chest lock plugin. They can lock their chests ( if they want ) so others can't access. This way you will have no more complaints about missing items from your players chests.

    If this isn't what you needed sorry :(
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    I have one of those already, but I'd prefer to get rid of it and use a plugin that logs how people interact with chests. I've found a couple but they're outdated.
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    Ok, you might just have to wait until the plugin creators update their current plugins or create new ones. I was just looking for one for you and can't seem to find any decent ones that are updated and do what you want.
    Sorry, I will keep looking.

    If you want to see if anyone can make one for you follow this guide post it in that forum.
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    I had found a plugin that did exactly what I wanted it to. I could choose a chest and it would say how it was modified by people, when they opened it and what they took out or put in it. Unfortunately, it was very old. For MC version 1.0.1. Anything similar to that would be greatly appreciated.
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