Inactive [FUN] Exploding Chickens v0.3- What the cluck?!? BOOM! [1.3.1-R1.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by firecopy, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Exploding Chickens - What the cluck?!? BOOM! Cute animals of death.
    Version: 0.3

    *Warning, Use plugin at your own risk*

    Exploding Chickens, makes chickens explode when they die (Currently Twice the power of a creeper, config for explosion force coming in the future updates). Inspired by exploding chicken mods from other games, *cough* *cough* Skyrim*. The posibilites are endless with this plugin! Want to dig in a mine, but don't have tnt? Throw down some eggs, get in a safe sitance, and arrow spam! Boom Boom Boom, that mine is cleared! Clear mines, clear land, clear mountains, and/or cause mass genocide to a village. Whatever you want to explode the possibility is endless with exploding chickens. These ticking time bombs can be your best friends, or your worst enemies!


    Download for Latest Update
    BukkitDev Page

    • Makes Chickens Explode
    Version: 0.3:
    • Updated to CB 1.3.1-R.0
    Version 0.2:
    • Added config for explosion damage and flame toggle
    Version 0.1:
    • Released to the public!!!
  2. Offline


    Good job.
  3. Offline


    Thanks, config for explosion damage and flaming explosion toggle is now added in.
  4. Offline


    Lol cool!
  5. Offline


    Now you can have exploding chickens in 1.3!
  6. Offline


    This is one of the coolest plugins I've ever seen.

    P.S. Put the source on github!
  7. Offline


    It is on github :p. Just forgot to update the dev bukkit page. It should be there now.
    Major likes this.
  8. Offline


    nice plugin!
  9. Offline


    Nice work! The only thing i noticed was your variable naming. Java conventions state that all variables should begin with a lowercase letter, and each new word after that should begin with an uppercase letter - hence the name camelCase. Your naming is slightly different, e.g.

        DamageOfExplosion = plugin.ExplosionDamage;
            FlameToggle = plugin.FireToggle;
    Other than that, good work! Perhaps more animals in the future?

    Edit: Also, basic documentation would be nice :)
  10. Offline


    Major I haven't really thought of adding other animals, but I could put that on my todo list. Also, documentation isn't needed due to how simple and easy it is to read and understand the code. :p

    Thanks for the compliment!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  11. Offline


    It's good habit rather than anything else.
  12. Offline


    Major Ahh, yes. You are correct. Even though I have had a year of comp sci class I still forget to do the basics. I will add documentation to all of my plugins when I have the time. Thanks for reminding me.
  13. Offline


    firecopy Here's my own implementation of your idea (sorry for stealing it, I've given you credit in the code and the readme :p) - ExplodingAnimals.
  14. Offline


    If the plugin is open source, why is it still All Rights Reserved :O
  15. Offline


    I like to give people full control when dealing with their plugins. You can still change the plugin code for your own personal use even if it is all rights reserved.

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