Player Log (amount of players per day)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Babadegl, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. Offline


    im looking for a plugin which does count the players for example every hour and writes them into a log file. and also you can see the server-history of a day:
    for exmaple /playerhistory
    it outputs in the server
    12:00 5 Players
    13:00 3 Players
    14:00 6 Players
    15:00 15 Players
    so for every day it starts a new log-file, the file name is the date

  2. Offline


    So like, a count on new players daily?
  3. Offline


    Yea but in all honesty I would love to see this plugin, Although I have no idea if a plugin like this exists as I haven't looked...
  4. Offline


    not really, all players, so the same amount as /list shows^^
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    Seems interesting... See how many unique logins per day. +1
  7. Offline


    I'm looking for a quick project to do to kill some time, so I tackle this for you and get you a solution in a day or so.

    * It will sample the number of players at a fixed interval (1, 2, 5 or 10 min - configured) and generate an average number of players for each hour.
    * These averages will be stored as you requested in a text file, with a file name which uses the current date.
    * It will also put in the file a calculated average number of players/hour for the day, the number of unique player login per hour and per day
  8. Offline


    I didn't have the time I thought to get this started, but since there was no reply to my offer I'm wondering now if you really still want this. Let me know since I will definitely have some time early next week to do this.

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