Help with coding (an error has appeared - i haven't even started)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by rymate1234, Mar 8, 2011.

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    Ok, so i'm using as my plugin template, but this line has an error
           super(pluginLoader, instance, desc, folder, plugin, cLoader);
    Yes, I added the bukkit.jar

    The error i have is
    cannot find symbol
      symbol:   constructor JavaPlugin(org.bukkit.plugin.PluginLoader,org.bukkit.Server,org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile,,,java.lang.ClassLoader)
      location: class
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    Daniel Heppner

    Could you upload your entire source code? I'm making my first plugin too, but mine actually works, so I think I can help. :)
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    Here's my main class (the only class with an error)
    package com.bukkit.rymate1234.StopFireSpread;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import org.bukkit.Server;
    import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
    import org.bukkit.event.Event;
    import org.bukkit.event.Event.Priority;
    import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile;
    import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginLoader;
    import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
     * StopFireSpread for Bukkit
     * @author rymate1234
    public class StopFireSpread extends JavaPlugin {
        private final StopFireSpreadPlayerListener playerListener = new StopFireSpreadPlayerListener(this);
        private final StopFireSpreadBlockListener blockListener = new StopFireSpreadBlockListener(this);
        private final HashMap<Player, Boolean> debugees = new HashMap<Player, Boolean>();
        public StopFireSpread(PluginLoader pluginLoader, Server instance,
                PluginDescriptionFile desc, File folder, File plugin,
                ClassLoader cLoader) throws IOException {
            super(pluginLoader, instance, desc, folder, plugin, cLoader);
            // TODO: Place any custom initialisation code here
            // NOTE: Event registration should be done in onEnable not here as all events are unregistered when a plugin is disabled
        public void onEnable() {
            // TODO: Place any custom enable code here including the registration of any events
            // Register our events
            PluginManager pm = getServer().getPluginManager();
        //Create BlockPlaced listener
            pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.BLOCK_PLACED, blockListener, Event.Priority.Highest, this);
            // EXAMPLE: Custom code, here we just output some info so we can check all is well
            PluginDescriptionFile pdfFile = this.getDescription();
            System.out.println( pdfFile.getName() + " version " + pdfFile.getVersion() + " is enabled!" );
        public void onDisable() {
            // TODO: Place any custom disable code here
            // NOTE: All registered events are automatically unregistered when a plugin is disabled
            // EXAMPLE: Custom code, here we just output some info so we can check all is well
            System.out.println("Nooooo! You disabled me!!!");
        public boolean isDebugging(final Player player) {
            if (debugees.containsKey(player)) {
                return debugees.get(player);
            } else {
                return false;
        public void setDebugging(final Player player, final boolean value) {
            debugees.put(player, value);
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    public StopFireSpread(PluginLoader pluginLoader, Server instance,
                PluginDescriptionFile desc, File folder, File plugin,
                ClassLoader cLoader) throws IOException {
            super(pluginLoader, instance, desc, folder, plugin, cLoader);
            // TODO: Place any custom initialisation code here
            // NOTE: Event registration should be done in onEnable not here as all events are unregistered when a plugin is disabled
    That bit needs to go, it was removed forever ago and is not supported.
    And afaik you don't need that debugging code.
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    always happy to help.
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    yes, the SLPC is dead, long live the 0-args constructor!
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    Daniel Heppner

    Sorry I couldn't reply. I didn't see an alert.
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    i m a supa newb with bukkit[​IMG]
    ps. the [​IMG] is a lie
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