New paintball plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ZhouRoy5757, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. Offline


    I have used the plugin of Captainawesome7 but it does not really was a plugin what i'm searching for , here detailt for what i want .

    Name suggestion : Ult Paintball
    Caterogy : Fun
    What do i wants ? : I want a paintball plugin with functions as
    -multiple arena's
    -points for killing and leading a winning team
    -items upgrade and potions for points
    -extra ranks
    -chose in wich team you want
    -the colour wool of your team as hat
    -automatic start game after for example 30 sec

    *Optional features :
    -region protection
    -custom skins ? (maybe spout)
    -sound when someone is killed
    -more then 2 teams
    -preset arena's
    -spectate plugin support

    Commands ? :
    /Paintball setspawn red / blue ( maybe yellow / green ? ) *Sets the spawn for red / blue
    /Paintball spawn red/blue *go to the spawn of red / blue
    /Paintball start *manual starts the game
    /Paintball setspectate *sets spectate place when not having the spectate plugin
    /Paintball end *manuals end the game
    /Paintball join red / blue *join the team Red or Blue

    UltPaintball.admin.setspawn -needed for setting spawn for red andblue
    UltPaintball.admin.start -needed for starting the game manually
    UltPaintball.admin.setspectate -needed for setting spectate spawn
    Ultpaintball.admin.end -needed for end the game
    UltPaintball.user.join -needed for joining the game

    Thanks if you will create this plugin !
  2. Come on there's PaintBaller, PaintBallCraft , And 2 PaintBall's plugin.
  3. Offline


    You also need to go more in-depth about some of these things. "Extra ranks"? No one but you knows what that is, so try to give a bit a lot more detail!
  4. Offline


    Ow sorry , i only did search on plugins.bukkit so i didn't found those , thanks !

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