How do you disable the end?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Recolance, Jun 13, 2012.

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    I have the portal creation ability disable but the world still generated chunks and entities. Thish I DON'T want. I am trying to keep te RAM usage down on my server since im going over 8GB easy. I know 8GB is a lot my server is popular. But I want to keep it down as best as I can since im running 36 plugins.
    Thanks in advance!
  2. Open the configfile named bukkit.something (don't remember if it's yaml config or something else) in the same folder as the craftbukkit.

    Somewhere at the beginning of that file there is a line that says something like: allow-the-end: true

    Change true to false and the end should be disabled.

    Again. My memory is lousy about the exact names used but it's easy to spot when you've opened the file.

    While you're checking the file you should read through the other lines in there to since you can change a few other things as well. Like how big the the protected chunk around the spawn should be. :)
  3. Offline


      allow-end: true
    kdude63 and Sketaful like this.
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    Only 36 plugins? Pfft. I have 80. :3

    And thanks a lot for bringing this up. Solved my problem.
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