Plugin Dev - "Fake" player join?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by PhillipK, Jul 5, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Heyho guys, iam new here :)

    I just started with some easy Bukkit plugins, to learn a bit of the API and make some usefull stuff for my server.
    However, iam on a bit trouble with debugging my stuff.
    Most of the times, i need some others Players to join me, to check the console / check player joins, etc etc.
    Cuz' its annoying to ask someone every little change i made, i was looking for some other solution.

    Is there a way to fake a Player Join, so that the PlayerJoinEvent is correctly firered?

    At the moment, i try to make a little "Randomize PlayerSpawn", that need very much player-joins to give me some good informations about the spawn-points. I dont know so many ppl who can help me debug it on my local computer and i dont want to mess up anything on my onlineserver :-/

    (also, i appologize for my bad english, but its not my native language and iam not the very best on it :( )
  2. Offline


    You can use the badass-way and get a namechanger... or you just call the playerjoin-event with a fake player-object
  3. Offline


    Well, thats what i thought - "fake player-object" + event selfmade.
    The problem is, i dont know, what i need for a fake-player-object. My "Randomize Spawner" uses Player.getMetadata() to determine, if the player has allready set an spawnpoint.
    If a respawn happens, it also uses this metadata value.

    Due to the fact that iam really unfamiliar with this Metadata stuff, i dont know, what exactly is needed to create an valid fake player :(
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    However you'll need to create a new instance of the Player-object (It's an interface, maybe it's the org.bukkit.entity class?) and add some parameters for it
  6. Offline


    If it is a cracked server you can use Nodus Client and change your offline name. You can also just use Mob Disguise.
  7. Offline


    Correct me if iam wrong, but there isnt any type of "cracked server", right?
    Anyways, i guess you meant "online-mode = false" or somthing like this - yes it is :) (Because i run it local, i can do what i want :) )
    I'll give it a chance. Iam sorry that i doesnt thought this way - just fake login's with clients instead of faking an login in my plugin :)
  8. Offline


    Bukkit Moderators don't support cracked servers...
  9. Offline


    Well...yours is small.
    LOL (open)
    OFFLINE Mode servers!
    LOL (open)
    LOL (open)
    LOL (open)
    LOL (open)
    LOL (open)

    We DO NOT support offline mode servers here on bukkit. And many security risks come from it. So DO NOT ask if YOU ARE on a offline state, We cannot support you or your issue.

  10. Offline


    This is about plugin testing...
    EDIT: BTW it's not cracked :p
  11. Offline


    Then ill put it on a spoiler. :3
    JWhy likes this.
  12. Offline


    If you want to call a fake join message you can enter a input in a command or you can retrieve the senders name and broadcast the message?​
  13. I have a local temp server that I use for testing. It's in offline mode and I still have the old cracked client, for testing purposes ONLY.

    EDIT: Yes I have bought minecraft!
  14. Offline


    Yeah, My testing server is on offline mode too....I use it to test out plugins I wish to install on my main.
    MD_5 is the same too.
    Aperture science!
  15. Offline


    IWow, whats going on here :D

    Well, to explain:

    I an "real" server, currently just a plugin-test-server with several buddys.
    Then i got my home - computer with an Bukkit-testserver and online-mode = false, cuz i dont need some verification for my own, right?

    The plugin-dev and programming is made on my pc here. When somthings running and do what i want, ill upload it for a bugfix on the online-server.

    Anyways, i got my minecraft account, so dont worry ;)

    I tested it with a cracked client (hey, i bought the game!) on my localhost server, it worked. But it would be smarter to add some fake-players via any /command ingame or in the windows-cmd. That was my actual question.

    due to the fact, that iam a little bukkit-noob, i dunno how to create e.g. a Player-Instance to create a fake-onPlayerJoinEvent - thats why i used this workarround via a namechanger-client.

    If anyone thinks, that is illegal, well, not my fault. I bought the game once and use _one_real_existing_ account for onlinegames / my online server :)
  16. Offline


    im interested in a plugin like you want to create! pls let me know when its finished :D
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