[REQ] [FORMATTED] Communities Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by d3fin3d, Jun 23, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Classes/Clans

    Suggested name: Communities

    What I want:
    I'm looking for a simple plugin that allows users to both create their own friendly communities/groups and add/remove users from those groups themselves.

    I'd also like the creators of these groups to be able to assign their own titles/ranks within their group.

    I've had a look at SimpleClans, Factions, Heroes and Towny but these seem very heavyweight considering the relatively simple mechanic I'm after. SimpleClans and Factions are also far too PVP orientated compared to what I'm looking for (I'm not looking to encourage warring/aggression in any way as our server has a no stealing/no player killing policy).

    Ideas for commands:

    Parent command possibilities:
    • /community
    • /com
    Member commands:
    • /community list # Displays a list of all communities.
    • /community members # Displays a list of all players in your current community if applicable.
    • /community members <name> # Displays a list of all players in <named> community.
    • /community leave <name> # Leaves a community.
    Leader commands:
    • /community create <name> # Creates a new community with specified <name>. The leader is the command issuer.
    • /community name <name> # Changes the name of the community.
    • /community handover <player> # Hands leadership over to another player.
    • /community delete # Disbands/deletes community.
    • /community trusted add <player> # Adds a player to the communities trusted list.
    • /community trusted remove <player> # Removes a player from the communities trusted list.
    Leader & Trusted commands:
    • /community applications # Displays list of /community join applications.
    • /community invite <player> # Adds a player to a community.
    • /community uninvite <player> # Uninvites/kicks a player from a community. Leaders and Trusted members cannot be uninvited.
    • /community title create <name> # Creates a new player title/rank.
    • /community title delete <name> # Deletes a player title/rank.
    • /community title assign <title> <player> # Assigns a title to a player. If player already has a title, the old title will be automatically unassigned.
    • /community title unassign <player> # Removes a title from a player.
    Admin commands:
    • /community admin create <name> <player> # Creates a new community with specified <name> and the [player] assigned as leader.
    • /community admin name <name> # Changes the name of a community.
    • /community admin handover <name> <player> # Hands leadership over to another player.
    • /community admin delete <name> # Disbands/deletes community.
    • /community admin invite <player> <name> # Invites a player to a community.
    • /community admin uninvite <player> <name> # Uninvites/kicks a player from a community.
    • /community admin trusted add <player> <name> # Adds a player to the communities trusted list.
    • /community admin trusted remove <player> <name> # Removes a player from the communities trusted list.
    (there may be a better way to work these admin commands).

    Ideas for config:
    • Friendly-Fire: FALSE # False = PVP off between community members. True: Pvp on everywhere.
    Essentials hook:
    • Change-Members-To-Leader-Colour: TRUE # This option would change the nickname colour of new members to the same colour as the leaders nickname. Other options: FALSE.
    • Title-Display: SUFFIX # This would display all titles as a suffix in permissions systems (PEX). Other options: PREFIX, NONE.
    Ideas for permissions:
    • community.member # Allows access to member, leader and trusted commands.
    • community.admin # Allows access to all commands.


    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible.
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    Do you even read?
  4. Offline


    Sadly, SimpleClans has far too much PVP focus compared to what I'm after. Unless there's a way to disable all that (which I haven't found), the plugin would only promote a hostile/warring attitude which is not what I'm aiming for on the server :).
  5. Offline


    Not on an ipod touch, no mate, sorry chief
    Fair enough. Thankyou for not being a prick about it :d
  6. Offline


    Does anyone know of any existing plugins that already do what's described above (but don't focus on PVP)?

    I've been trying all the search terms I can think of - maybe a plugin exists with an obscure name! :),

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