Inactive [ADMN/CHAT] ConsoleName v1.6 - Customizable server broadcast prefix.[1.2.5-R4.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by obnoxint, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Customizable server broadcast prefix.

    Watch the video demonstration on


    ConsoleName is an easy-to-use and flexible tool for sending broadcast messages with a customizable prefix, either via a chat command or a console command. ConsoleName is also perfect for planned broadcasts, e.g. via MCMyAdmin or similar tools.

    Each player can have a customized prefix. For special cases, ConsoleName offers the possibility to determine the prefix for each message individually.

    ConsoleName can also override the 'say' server command, if you like to, and is completely configurable via chat commands and console commands, too.

    * Send broadcast messages with a configurable prefix.
    * Different prefixes for each player.
    * Send broadcast messages with a customized prefix per message.
    * Configure prefixes and plugin properties via the console or chat commands.
    * Override the 'say' command (optionally).

    Have fun!

    Show Spoiler

    Send a broadcast message
    In order to send a broadcast message to all players, use the following command either from the console or by chat. You or your players need the permission consolename.sendbroadcast. This permission does not affect the players permission to use the 'say' command.
    • bc [message]
    Send a broadcast message with customized prefix
    You can also set a custom prefix for each message by using the following command from the console:
    • bcc --pre=[prefix] --msg=[message]
    In order to use this command via a chat command, you need the permission consolename.sendbroadcast.custom.

    Send a broadcast by left-clicking a sign
    If this feature is enabled, you can send a broadcast message by left-clicking a sign with a specified tool. Chat formatting is possible and your personal prefix will be used, if set. Requires permission consolename.sendbroadcast.sign.

    Set and reset prefixes
    You can set and reset the global broadcast prefix and per-player broadcast prefixes via the console or chat commands.
    • bcset ([@player]|[~]) [prefix]
    • Set or reset global prefix
    • Set or reset own per-player prefix
    • Set or reset per-player prefix of another player
    • Set global prefix
      bcset prefix
    • Reset global prefix
    • Set own per-player prefix
      bcset ~ prefix
    • Set per-player prefix of another player.
      bcset @playername prefix
    In order to reset a prefix, type the command without a prefix.

    Set plugin properties
    You can use the bcprop command to set the following plugin properties from the console or using a chat command. In order to use the command via chat, you need the permission consolename.setproperty.
    • Set the chat format symbol. This symbol will be replaced with the '§' character, which normally can not be typed into the chat.
      bcprop chatformatsymbol [value] or bcprop cfs [value]
      value can be any String.
    • Set if the bc command should override the say command.
      bcprop overridesaycommand [value] or bcprop osc [value]
      value can be true to enable or anything else to disable overriding the say command.
    • Set if broadcasting the contents of a sign should be enabled when left-clicking it with a specified tool.
      bcprop enablesignbroadcast [value] or bcprop esb [value]
      value can be "true" to enable or anything else to disable sign-broadcasts.
    • Set the sign-broadcast tool.
      bcprop signbroadcasttool [value] or bcprop sbt [value]
      value can be any valid material id or ~ to use the item held in the players hand.

    Show Spoiler

    You can modify the file manually. Please shutdown the server before manually editing the file or your changes may be overwritten.
    • overrideSayCommand
      true or false, defaults to false
    • prefix
      any String, defaults to [Console]
    • chatFormatSymbol
      any String, defaults to &
    • enableSignBroadcast
      true or false, defaults to false
    • signBroadcastToolId
      any valid material id, defaults to 340 (Book)
    Per-player prefixes:
    You can set per-player prefixes manually. Example:
    • player_myname=My Prefix

    • Fixed NullPointerException when issueing the say command without arguments.
    • Fixed sign text disappearing when the player attempts to break the sign with the sign broadcast tool.
    • Added broadcasting the content of a sign.
    Older versions (open)

    • Players will be notified if they don't have a permission required in order to use a command.
    • Fixed permission not being checked when using the 'bc' command.
    • Refactored for omc-lib Feature system.
    • Added automatic replacement of chat format symbol.
    • Extended command interface for setting plugin properties.
    • Added command interface for (per player) prefix configuration.
    • Added support for custom prefixes.
    • Added support for Hidendras Metrix.
    • Added option to set different prefixes for each player.
    • Complete rewrite after taking over the plugin from dbizzle.
    • Changed command to 'bc'.
    • Changed required permission to 'consolename.broadcast'.
    • Made overriding of 'say' command optional.

    Credit: ConsoleName was initiated by dbizzle and given over to me after I updated the code to a more recent CraftBukkit version. I then decided to rewrite the code completely.
    garrett2smart87 likes this.
  2. Offline


    I like the idea. :)
  3. Offline


    ConsoleName version 0.6 released:

    Now you can set different broadcast prefixes for each player.

    Have fun!
  4. Offline


    When I try to load the plugin, I get this:

    19:00:40 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\ConsoleName.jar' in folder 'plugins'
    org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError
    : net/obnoxint/mcdev/consolename/ConsoleName : Unsupported major.minor version 5
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(SimplePluginManager.
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(SimplePluginManager
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(
    at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(ServerConfigur
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: net/obnoxint/mcdev/consolenam
    e/ConsoleName : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at$000(Unknown Source)
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
    ... 8 more
  5. Offline


    Hordey :
    Please update your JRE to version 7:

    ConsoleName v0.7 released:

    Now you can define custom prefixes for each broadcast message individually by using the 'bcc' command via the console. Perfect for cron-jobs and McMyAdmin!

    Also ConsoleName now supports Hidendras Metrics.

    Have fun!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    Please create a ticket.
  8. Offline


    So does this support colours?
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    Version 0.9 released:

    You are now able to set and reset the global broadcast prefix and per-player broadcast prefixes via console and chat commands.

    Have fun!
  11. Offline


    Been looking for a plugin like this! Thanks!
  12. Offline


    You're welcome!

    By the way: another update is being released tomorrow. Subscribe to file updates if you like to receive a notification as soon as the file is available.
  13. Offline


    Version 1.0 released:

    ConsoleName now uses a *.properties file instead of an *.yml file to store its configuration values, because CraftBukkits YAML writer caused some character encoding problems on certain system locales.

    Also, you don't need to manually edit the file anymore when you like to use chat format codes: you can now substitute the '§' character with any String or character you like. In fact there is no need to manually edit the file anymore, because you can set each option via the console or via chat commands.

    The 'bcc' command for custom broadcast prefixes is no longer limited to the console and can now be used via a chat command, too.

    With this version, ConsoleName is feature-complete.

    Have fun!
  14. Offline


    Version 1.1 released:

    This update fixes a bug which allows all players to use the 'bc' command. Updating is recommended. Please also recheck your permission setup. The permission required to use the 'bc' command is now

    Have fun!
  15. Offline


    Version 1.2 released:

    If a player is trying to use a command without permission, he/she will now see a message that a permission is required (and which) instead of the usage information.

    Have fun!
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    A video is now available which demonstrates the features of ConsoleName.

    Have fun!
  18. Offline


    Cool plugin!!! thnks Love it

    /plugins (1) ConsoleName

    Thanks! Added
  19. Offline


    Nice to hear, that it satisfies you. Thanks for your feedback. :)

    Have fun!
  20. Offline


    Do you think you may add support for JRE 6? I tried updated to 7u4 but my firewall as problems with it, so I'm stuck with 6u32. Maybe you can help, thanks!
  21. Offline


    I don't see a relation between the installation of the JRE and a firewall, but ok.

    The next release will come in two variants, a JRE6 version and a JRE7 version. But only the JRE7 version will be supported. You can expect it during the next week.

    The JRE7 offers performance and security optimizations for end-users and useful language features for developers. I encourage all server owners to install JRE7 and use it for their CraftBukkit server.
    fredghostkyle1 likes this.
  22. Offline


    Thanks a lot! Works flawlessly!
  23. Offline


    Because of public demand, a version targeted for JRE6 is now available. This version is equal to version 1.2 and is not supported.

    Please note that this is only a transitional solution and you should install JRE7 on your server.

    Have fun!
  24. Offline


    Version 1.4 released.

    You can now send a broadcast by left-clicking a sign with a specified tool.

    Have fun!
  25. Offline


    i love the plugin thanks :D
  26. Offline


    Version 1.5 released.

    If a player attempted to break a sign with the sign broadcast tool and did not stop damaging the sign, the sign text disappeared on the client side. This is now fixed.

    Have fun!
  27. Offline


    Im fairly new to this version of ConsoleName but when it creates the folder the properties file is just blank, what can I do?
  28. Offline


    Shutdown or restart the server. The file will be created when the plugin loads, but the content will be written when the server shuts down.

    Do not edit the file while the server is running because your changes will be overridden by the configuration in the memory.

    Use the command interface in order to configure ConsoleName while the server is running.

    Thank you for your feedback and have fun!
  29. Offline


    Ty, how can I make it into a specific colour?
  30. Offline


    This is also explained on the "Usage"-page and demonstrated in the YouTube-video linked on the projects main page.

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