Inactive [TP] PrivateWarp 1.7.4 - Private Warping suite [1.4.4-R0.1]+

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by The_Wrecker, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. Offline


    PrivateWarp - The Private Warping plugin

    Warping since Dec 2010 ! Proven to last.
    Current Version: v1.7.4
    Download PrivateWarp
    Download PluginControl (v1.2.8)
    Compatible with:
    Tekkit (1.3.2) (Bukkit for minecraft 1.2.5)
    Bukkit 1.3.2-r1.0
    Bukkit 1.4.4-r0.1
    Other stuff:
    Download Waypoint Converter (to convert and maintain warp files)
    Download Full zip (Including PublicWarp 0.65!)
    Current, all downloads page (Includes instruction videos)

    I made one of the apps I have compatible with the format.
    It's a gui which lets you peak inside of the private warp files. Some parts are not yet finished, might not finish it completely, but you'll have a way to get the contents.
    Download here: GUI Editor

    The converter can read your waypoints.txt (former hmod plugin) and create PrivateWarp database files. Those database files can be copied/moved to the privatewarp player directory to once again have your old warps back.
    You can use my plugin to create private warps. Every player can have his or her own set of warps. You can also set categories so you can divide your warps in a logical list. For example: you can list builds other people have built in a separate category (ie "Other_Builds).
    The PrivateWarp plugin has a dependency with PluginControl. PluginControl is a plugin which handles not only permissions, but also plugin configuration (flatfile) based on groups. PrivateWarp now has per group based limitations (maxwarp and so on). This is not another Permissions system since it can use multiple Permission systems.

    This plugin has also been ported from the hmod mod. You can find the old thread here: hmod forum. The old plugin can still be used as a Canary plugin, you can find the link in the Canary forums. The plugin is also mentioned on my website here: Wrecker Technologies.

    Supported Permissions:
    -Vault (support for bPermissions and several others indirectly)
    -Built-in permission system (Groups.txt, built in PluginControl)

    • Ability to create personal private warps
    • Divide your warps into categories
    • Admin can access other warps through the /pwa command
    • A vault system with the /pwv command
    • Some other stuff not yet mentioned
    • Limit the amount of warps a user in a group can have
    • Group manager compatible
    • Permissions compatible
    • Built in fall back permission system
    Commandlist (in chat):
    • /pw
      Display your currently set private warps and categories. Only displays warps in the current category selected.
    • /pw set <name>
      Set/add/overwrite a private warp in your selected category
    • /pw del <name>
      Delete a private warp in your selected category
    • /pw goto <name>
      Use the warp , goto the location where you have set it (warp has to exist)
    • /pw catselect <name>
      Select the category (has to exist). Leave empty to return to default
    • /pw catcreate <name>
      Create categorie with given name
    • /pw catdelete <name>
      Delete the categorie (including the underlying private warps)
    • /pw help
      Displays usage and commands
    • /pwa
      All the commands of /pw except you can pretend to be another player. For example /pwa <name> set home. Sets the warp home to the player <name>. Should be an admin/mod command on most servers.
    • /pwv
      An admin can create a template(or set) of warp categories and names. These cannot be used(del, set) by the players. An admin can set a warp in the template to a player which the player can use. Should be an admin/mod command on most servers.
    • /pwv put "player" "warp"
      Set the templated warp to the player
    • /pwv rem "player" "warp"
      Removes the warp from the player
    The rest of the commands for /pwv are the same as /pw except they don't store any coordinates and it functions as a template for the vault system.

    • /pwr <nr>
      Recall previous used warps. Start at 0 (0 is the most recent)

    Configuration of the plugin(s) is done in the PluginControl data directory.
    For example:
    • bukkit/plugins/PluginControl/PrivateWarp/<groupname> (properties for that group)
    Following 2 files are only there when the built-in permission fallback is used:

    • Users.txt contains the users
      A user is defined like so: The_Wrecker=admingroup
    • Groups.txt contains the groups (first line is the default group)
      A group is defined like so: admingroup=pw;pwa;pwv <- changed due to onCommand()
      A new line is for another group or user.
    Permissions nodes :
    • PrivateWarp.pwa
    • PrivateWarp.pwv
    • PrivateWarp.pwr
    Configuration file:

    Private warp configuration file (under the PluginControl data directory)
    • max_warp=10 Maximum of total warps
    • max_categories=3 Maximum categories a player can create
    • max_warp_categorie=3 Maximum warps in a category (excluded the main/default category)
    • max_cache_minute_timeout=30 Amount of time data is considered useless (0 not ecommended)
    • cleanup_cache_minute_timeout=5 Amount of time between cleanup runs (0 not recommended)
    • Warp_timeout // configurable timeout before warping
    Todo (featurelist)
    • DynamicMap warplocations
    • Sharing warps with other players (/pws)
    • TimeStamping warps (create/modified)
    • Add comments/descriptions to warps
    • Data dir cleanup (--fixed useles creation of files, just needs a cleanup run)
    • Initial starting warp list (a list you get when you first enter the server)
    • Calculate distance to a warp from current position (possibly including height)
    • Changing on the fly config with a new plugin
    • Zones where warps cannot be set (PluginControl feature actually)
    • Cool down function for commands (suggestion from ethood1999)
    • Warp maintenance tool
    • Fix up warp count versus vault warps (partly coded)
    • Add fully qualified warp names (category/warp) Suggested by Ture
    • Warpname Template
    • Redo configuration (add warmup message)
    Having problems?
    try this:
    Loading error 1
    Loading error 2
    Try to pay attention to what the log says when starting Bukkit. Might contain some important hints.


    Version 1.7.4 RC
    • Built against 1.4.4 R0.1
    • Fix when using /pwa (out of bounds error in thread)
    Version 1.7.1 RC
    Missing some versions because those were officially released as unstable. Below changes sums up some of the changes.
    • Built against 1.2.5 R0.1
    • Upgraded permission detection (direct support, PEX and Essentials)
    • Vault Support
    • Message that you'll warp when using a warmup - timeout
    • Some internal structure changes
    Changelog (open)

    Version 1.6.4 RC
    • Built against Bukkit 1370
    • Use of new Event system
    • Beware of Permission systems (I expect a few problems due to changes/breaking of the other plugins)
    Version 1.6.3
    Does not exist (skipped)

    Version 1.6.2
    • Fix to get material type from block
    • A way to force the built-in permission system regardless of other systems installed (checks for existance of groups.txt under the PluginControl directory)
    Version 1.6.1
    • Built against #1578 for 1.0.1 support
    • JDK7 support update
    • Fix for the race condition when warping/teleporting
    Version 1.6.0
    • Fixed crash due to multi byte character reading
    • Added multithreading for every command passed through PluginControl (Meaning the whole set of commands currently available for PrivateWarp)
    • Fixed the error message when you have no rights to use the command
    • Java JRE 7 supported
    • Updated building path to create new Jar
    • Better code to read configuration property readings
    • Support for Permissions updated (bPermission, PermissionEx, SuperPerms)
    • New detection system to detect Permissions (1.5.1 fix)
    • Splitted code for handling commands
    • Player cache managing code reorganized
    • Better file handling (should disable the creation of empty PrivateWarp files)
    • Removed seperate quick and dirty warmup code
    • Refactored AbstractPlugin OO layer
    Version 1.4.9 > 1.5.0
    • Fixed default warping timeout
    • Fixed bug where warpname was passed to permissions
    • Added softdepend loading to yml
    Version 1.4.8 > 1.4.9
    • Added warping delay (default 5 seconds, adjustable in config)
    • Added rename command (/pw ren <old> <new>)
    • Added move command (move warp to another category /pw mv <warp> <cat>)
    • Added shorter aliases for known commands (see help)
    • Refactored the code base a bit for future changes
    • Built against CraftBukkit 953 (minecraft 1.7.2)
    Version 1.4.7 > 1.4.8
    • Added configbit to config files
    • Built against CraftBukkit 818 (minecraft 1.6.6)
    Version 1.4.6 > 1.4.7
    • Fix on help sub command
    • Check for blocks before warping
    • Check alternative warp location
    • Warn and notices when your warp is not quite right (warping yourself half into a step stone for ex.)
    Version 1.4.5 > 1.4.6
    • Updates towards the latest Bukkit releases
    • Fix for built-in permissions (AGAIN!)
    • Smarter cache system
    • Update for Public Warp
    Version 1.4.4 > 1.4.5
    • Updates towards the latest Bukkit releases
    • Fix for built-in permissions
    • Added Essentials Group Manager plugin
    Version 1.4.2a > 1.4.4
    • Updates towards the latest Bukkit releases
    • Still has a known issue with built-in permission system (PluginControl)
    • Seems Bukkit changed the way namespacing works... This threw errors around (IllegalAccess Exceptions)
    Version 1.4.1 > 1.4.2a
    • Built with PluginControl(0.52a)
    • /pwr change
    • Recommended build #602 update and fixes
    • Previous release is revoked(1.4.2), hence the added 'a' in this release.
    Version 1.4.0 > 1.4.1
    • Built with PluginControl(0.51)
    • Fixed /pwv put command
    Version 1.3.9 > 1.4.0
    • Built with PluginControl(0.5)
    • Changed the way how the plugin(s) output text
    • PublicWarp might be independent now
    • Removed the default_world check
    • Removed Warp converting from old PrivateWarp version
    • Did an auto updating page (see link previous versions)
    Version 1.3.8 > 1.3.9
    • Built with PluginControl(0.49)
    • Compatability update for build 522
    Version 1.3.7 > 1.3.8
    • Built with PluginControl(0.48)
    • Nothing special added or fixed for PW
    • Support for PublicWarp (test-released plugin)
    Version 1.3.6 > 1.3.7
    • Built with PluginControl(0.47)
    • Fixed null when no default group in fallback
    • Added GroupManager support
    Version 1.3.5 > 1.3.6
    • Built with PluginControl(0.46)
    • Lazy warpname matching in goto subcommand
    • Code cleanup (mainly init stuff)
    Version 1.3.4 > 1.3.5
    • Built with PluginControl(0.45)
    • Update to use Phoenix permissions 2.4
    • Constructor fix
    • Shifted to onCommand
    Version 1.3.3 > 1.3.4
    • Built with PluginControl(0.44)
    • Less IO
    • Fix to /pwv put command
    • HACKY FIX considering the constructor stuff, but works for now.
    Version 1.3.2 > 1.3.3
    • Built with PluginControl(0.43)
    • Added /pwr to help
    • Redid some logging
    • Only show conversion log when it's 'interesting'
    • Teleport hook code for pwr (probably not yet functional)
    • Some more minor fixes
    Version 1.3.1 > 1.3.2
    • Built with PluginControl(0.42)
    • MAJOR Fixes to the plugin loading thing (I hope I got it nailed this time, I haven't seen errors while testing).
    • MultiWorld!!! (For conversion to new format add: "default_world=<world_name>" in config. The Plugin will ask you to do this.)
    Version 1.3.0 > 1.3.1
    • Built with PluginControl(0.41)
    • Added /pwr command
    Version 1.2.9 > 1.3.0
    • Built with PluginControl(0.4)
    • Made calls to Nijikokun's permission static
    Version 1.2.8 > 1.2.9
    • Built with PluginControl(0.3)
    • Code for Nijikokun Permissions through PluginControl
    • Fallback to basic mode when plugin can't be loaded somehow (which was the case for me)
    Version 1.2.7 > 1.2.8
    • Built with PluginControl(0.2)
    • Removed a potential memory leak
    • Better handling when dependency is not found
    Version 1.2.6 > 1.2.7
    • Added permissions with PluginControl(0.1)
    • Per group based limitations
    • /pwv, /pwa available again
    Version *.*.* > 1.2.6
    • Removed the /pwa and /pwv command (temporarily)
    findus1994 and DoomLord like this.
  2. Offline


    Yeah I just took the latest out there I think it was the alpha version.

    Sorry to hear that QQCucumber

    putting up 200v could be entertaining next time ;)
    I thought about putting a camera up

    I'm building the PublicWarp plugin, after that I'm testing it.. Fingers crossed people.
    At least it does this ;)
    18:46:52 [INFO] PublicWarp got eneabled
    removed the typo
    20:11:44 [INFO] PublicWarp got enabled
    Got the global warps saving to disk

    New Plugin is released (test-release)!

    Public warp
    You need to download the complete plugin set before using it! So here is a convenient zip:

    Creates a global warp list which is accessible by everyone who has access to /wp.
    This first version is basic, features are added later. Hence it's only 4kb in size.

    New commands (will probably change later):
    /wp set <warp>
    /wp del <warp>
    /wp goto <warp>

    Permission node (Will probably change a bit later):

    Although PrivateWarp and PluginControl got updated, no new features/fixes are in there. So you won't need to update if you're not using PublicWarp.
  3. Offline


    Nice but I think I will wait until its come along abuit further right now any public warp is useless to us until a myWarps converter is relesaed since homes and town warps are stored in two different plugins adding the test public warps is going to fix anything. since Mywarps is still not tp u correctly over multiworlds.

    you know I nedd Wrecker so I will just sit tight a bit longer
  4. Offline


    I know, converter is next thing in the list...
    Will do :)
  5. Offline


    sorry for my terrible english on that post.
    Also if you have a spare moment check out my new website at and let me know what u think over the old style.
    --- merged: Mar 7, 2011 9:29 AM ---
    Also i dont see u around online anymore :(
  6. Offline


    I was on yesterday for a moment. But everyone is/seems to be gone at that time (added some beds in my cabbin). And I'm working full time(programmer).

    Oh well.

    I've seen the website. I liked it.
  7. Offline


    let us know when converter is up, also we working on warzone now its a cool zone too its in guest zone if u wanna check it out sometime :p
  8. Offline


    Hmm converting takes a bit longer since it's sqlite. Not a problem though, just not something I thought about.
  9. Offline


    I kinda left that part out, I don't see why you dont actually use sqlite your self its faster then flat file.
    --- merged: Mar 8, 2011 1:44 AM ---
    ud think it be easier to copy the data base sql libary file from Mywarp into Privetewarp then have your plugin use SQLlite and convert the flatfile into the database format and then merge them and run the default world check again over it.

    That I think would ensure that the Mywarp warps would ineeded then be setup in same fashion as PW but they will be Public warps.
  10. Offline

    Mavric Skylar

    Hi, just a general question. I had PW working on my server for quite some time, and even after the update, however unfortunately now that I am up to date with the latest CraftBukkit, the plugin Private Warps is no longer working. Here is the error I receive when turning on the server.

    20:29:49 [INFO] PW: Start loading of PrivateWarp 1.3.8
    20:29:49 [SEVERE] PW: Enter a default world in your default group config
    20:29:49 [SEVERE] PW: For example: "default_world=world"
    20:29:49 [SEVERE] PW: Current default group is: default
    20:29:49 [INFO] PW: Is not getting enabled resolve issues first!
    20:29:49 [INFO] PW: Just got disabled
    I have tried everything that I can think of, and I think that I may be installing it incorrectly, however it would be great if someone could help explain, thanks in advance.
  11. Offline


    SQLite is great and all, but...
    SQLite is not nessecarily faster than flatfile and vice versa though. Memory operations are in many cases faster. Which is what is actually happening in my plugin. Sqlite also gives some overhead. It always needs to parse the sql query before actually retreiving data and it needs some extra memory for the library. Although the overhead is not much(or maybe not even noticable) you'll start benefiting from its features with a much more complex and larger database system than that what we already have. The key benefit of sqlite is ofcourse that we don't have to load all the data in memory and thus keep usage low(right?), but still be able to retreive and search through the complete dataset. Basically what I'm doing with the caching.

    Sqlite would be something I would use when I need relational database like structures, but when I can't or do not like to set up a full database.

    Both have their advantages (relational, query language, simple, overhead, operations etc.) and I probably didn't cover half of what it can and cannot do. I choose not to use a third party sqlite dependency since it wasn't nessecary and I had my own solution already laying around.

    Before there is a discussion about why I should or should not use sqlite. I'm not planning to integrate sqlite in my plugins. The engine I use is a little bit more than a simple buffered readline. It can/is able to store data in memory in a compressed state.

    I also don't want to sound like being a stubborn person or anything. Or anything else. I don't mean it like that. I just want to make the plugin as efficient as possible.
    You have a folder under PluginControl called PrivateWarp.
    In that folder you'll find a file 'default'
    Add a default world config line in that file.... The one where all the warps were created (I recommend you backup first).

    PrivateWarp will convert all you warp files to the new format upon restart when set correctly.
  12. Offline


    Eh fair enough Wrecker, I was not intending it as a debat I was simply trying to offer to help on converting mywarps was just a method I thought could be conisderd.

    as Im just stumped at how your going to get its database driven format into your format and also have it direct you to the correct world rada rada ect ect.

    I would really rather use this over mywarps and have public stuff adn PW stuff in one plugin or using one dependancy. In this case Pluginmanager
    @ Wrecker

    Issue with newer 500+ CB
  13. Offline


    private warp need inevitably plugin control ? And can we use essentials warp with this plugin too ?
  14. Offline


    What's essentials warp? What does that do, or what do you want (I don't use essentials actually)?
    Yeah, you'll need the plugincontrol. It's a plugin with general code that can be reused (public warp uses it as well). Instead of copy pasta java code around you'll have it in one place.

    I'll check that issue out. Looks weird. A casting error towards an wrecker thing??? I have nothing named wrecker in my classes lol (except the namespace ofcourse). Thanks for the report.

    About the database thing:
    Nah that database driven format is sort of a flatfile with a sql layer. I can read it through sql no problem. I'll just use the same sqlite.jar as MyWarp does. I could do with an example file if you have one though. To make sure conversion works out ok.

    No problem about the debate thing btw.
    Thanks for thinking about a conversion method I appreciate that. It's just that I don't wan't a sqlite versus flatfile thing in this topic. There already is a topic like that on the forums. I Would like you to know that I'm not against either format. I think they both (when used right) can achieve good results.

    The plugins share the same code base(PluginControl). I just made it two plugins for the people who don't wan't public or don't wan't private.
    They'll have a choice. I know public warp is still depending on PrivateWarp stuff, but it'll work on its own later or at least that was my intention.It didn't seem logical to have public global warps in a private warp plugin. Plus with all the things I was thinking about doing inside the public warp thing.

    You got me thinking again though.

    What I had in mind was somethiing like this:
                                     |      |      |
                                     |      |      |
                             PrivateWarp    |     PublicWarp
                                   Some future plugin

    HMMM Actually it's casting itself in the error.
  15. Offline


    Its strange coz I never seen it error like that before! it only does it on CB 500+ using recommonened build and u have no problems.

    Excuse my english kinda did all nighter this time, sure I can post u our actual warpdatabase for Mywarp is u like
    and u can test out my warp on CB 500+ and test our a converter on it this way U can see what its doing on my end
    tho as long as multiverse is usesd that is. But Ineed it is only taking me to default world and not the world the WARP was made on.

    This is something ur going to need to get sorted in your conveter I think your current method to checking and appendning the worldname to the warp should do since PW is working no issues when it comes to actually taking u to warp from different world maps.
  16. Offline

    Mavric Skylar

    Is it possible to have the simply do a fresh re-install of PW. We started on a new map so none of the old private warps are in the right position. I just need to have it running again without the need for importing our old warps.
  17. Offline


    CB #493

    22:27:33 [SEVERE] null loading PrivateWarp v1.3.8 (Is it up to date?)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at Source)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
  18. Offline


    wow getting spammed here... :)

    @ledhead900 I haven't seen that error berfore either. I just grabbed the latest craftbukkit build there was....(and didn't get the error). Maybe do an update to 1.3.8? Without the public warp that is. Oh I got build 518 btw forgot to mention.

    Hmm Bukkit has a new exception in the newer builds.... maybe that's the problem your having.... Dependency exception something.

    Sure you can reinstall. If you are starting form scratch completely (deleted all the worlds) than you can (backup first and than ) delete all the files of the players as well in the privatewarp datafolder. This will delete all the warps, but not the configuration. This includes ALL the worlds there are, purging worlds separately is not yet possible....

    Thanks d3x, I'll look where that comes from. Any hint on what your using again? Do you have a default group in groupsmanager? Plugin needs a default group. Can you check?

    Could you send the database file(s) to my e-mail? I Had succes reading mine. You still have my mail address right?
  19. Offline


    hmm I think I do, I will take a look at latest CB, I was using 1.3.8 and no Public warp.
  20. Offline


    We have a new recommended build, YaY!

    I'll be building against that build this evening... Expect a new release soon...
  21. Offline


    how do i get this working? getting PW: is not initeilized or some crap like that
  22. Offline



    Can you read the log and the first post...
    After that tell me where it goes wrong...

    I think you didn't place a default_world in the config. It's a backwards compatability thing which will be removed in 1.4.0
  23. Offline


    Upon installing PrivateWarp for the first time and starting the server I'm getting the following error in my run.bat file:

    I might add I did see it generate the PluginControl folder in the Plugins directory, but there's no config file for me to set my default world to. I just see two blank files: users & groups....
  24. Offline


    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependency

    Seems you are running an old version of Bukkit?
  25. Offline


    How far off is your Plugin for Public warps and conveter I have not tested the one u sent me yet was not sure it was a working converter or not.
  26. Offline


    Thank you... That fixed it...
  27. Offline


    Converter is not yet working (waypoint part is though), it just reads the database file (sqlite).

    The PublicWarp Plugin works except everyone has the ability to create/delete/access warps when they have have access to /wp.

    I'm keeping the converter console based since not everyone has a gui on their server.

    I only program plugins during the evening (GMT+1). SInce well, I'm working...

    @ledhead900, the Converter I sent you isn't released yet. Just a preview.
  28. Offline


    thx for the heads up, but gui based coverter would not effect your console servers, Im talking about actually making the converter process a GUI, like you run a file named MywarptoWPconvert.exe

    it starts with some info explaning whats its intending to attempt to do then proviedes a continue, then asks for your server dir where teh world folders are, it then could auto detect all worlds based on the the level.dat file and then it can start converterting or something like that.

    thot its prob faster to just do it behind the scnenes as server loads.
  29. Offline



    I can't talk tomorrow or answer any mails/posts cuz, I'm out of town. I'll check back in a few days.

    Just so you know.
  30. Offline


  31. I have PrivateWarp and PluginControl both installed on my server.
    PluginControl seems to be just fine, but PrivateWarp doesn't work for some reason.

    When I type /pw in game, nothing happens, it doens't give any messages in game or in the console.
    Also when I type /plugin list (The Essentials command) it will bring PrivateWarps name in red color.

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