Alternative to ArrayLists for storing player data?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by bbq, Jun 9, 2012.

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    I'm writing a plugin for protecting stuff. Basically it will have three main arrays:
    Players - used to store player data like claim points and the group they belong to (could I maybe integrate this into the existing player data?)
    Chunklets - This would be an array of protected chunklets along with information like permissions.
    Groups - This would be an array of groups, it would contain information about the group.

    Right now when an action occurs I loop through the array list in question. So for example when a player tries to create a group I loop through the groups arraylist, calling the "getName()" function for each one (and comparing the returned string to the new faction's name).

    Is there a better more CPU/RAM effective way of doing this. I noticed after I've added a couple of groups it takes a while to run through the ArrayList (only a second or so, but on a larger scale this would become noticeable).
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  3. Yes, use a hashmap to store those stuff and use whatever you're searching for as the key and you can just use hashmap.get(key)... like players.get(playerName).

    And no I don't belive you can integrate anything in the existing Player stuff... there's something with metadata but that's complicated and has alot of stuff that can go wrong from what I've seen...
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