[ADMIN] xSync - Easily and Periodically Restart/Shutdown/Backup your server

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Zynastor, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Offline



    Please note that I know what Remote Toolkit is, but I am requesting a plugin that does exactly the same thing it does except that all you need to do is drag the jar into your plugins server, start it up, change the config (<== optional) and then either reload or restart your server. I don't need restarting stuff on my phone, etc. I just want one that resets, shutdowns, and backups my server.

    Restart - From time to time, I would like to restart my server in order to keep things "fresh." So periodically I would like my server to restart itself from time to time automatically and regularly each day. The server restarts every x hour(s) or restarts at time. The time before when the server warns you that the server is going to restart is configurable. (Like, by default, the server is going to warn you 10 seconds before the server restarts.)

    Shutdown - As an admin, I can tell when my players get on or off. I want my computer to rest during the cool spots when barely no one is on. When it shut downs, it turns off the server, etc. but keeps the .bat file on. Let's say you want the server to turn off at 9 PM (your system time) and turns on at 8 AM (your system time) Keep in mind the .bat file is still open, but all it does it waits until the time is right and then turns the server on. Multiple shutdowns can be set like it also turns off at 2 PM (your system time) and turns on at 4 PM (your system time) The server shuts down at time and turns on at time. The time before when the server warns you that the server is going to restart is configurable. (Like, by default, the server is going to warn you 10 seconds before the server shuts down.)

    Backup - I would also like to backup my worlds just in case bad things happen. I also would like it to also gather LWC data and World Guard data and then zip it up along with the world. The server backs up every x hour(s) or backs up at time. The time before when the server warns you that the server is going to restart is configurable. (Like, by default, the server is going to warn you 10 seconds before the server shuts down.)

    Update - I really don't like it when I forget to update a plugin and then I walk around an try to use it only to find out that it's outdated 5 hours later. I want this plugin to check every plugin upon start up to see if it's outdated or not. If it is, it warns me and then prompts me if I want it to update it for me or not. I can choose yes or no. If I choose yes, it downloads it and replaces the jar. If I choose no, it leaves me alone, but warns me every x hour(s). I would also like to to tell me if my build is outdated as well and prompts me, etc. like the above. I'm not sure if this feature will make this a dependent plugin or not, if this plugin needs a dependency for this section, please tell me.

    Messages - For the messages, I would like to mention that it would be nice if there was a prefix. Like [Server]. Of course you can change the prefix like [Server] ==>to==> [Tralala] The messages can also be configurable. (<== Color support, pls!)
    Restart Warn - Server restarting in *warn-sec*.
    Restart - Server restarting...
    Restart Disconnect Message - The server is restarting. Please wait 30 seconds before rejoining.
    Shutdown Warn - Server shutting down in *warn-sec*
    Shutdown - Server shutting down...
    Shutdown Disconnect Message - The server has shut down. Please come back at *time*.
    Backup Warn - The world is being backed up in *warn-sec*.
    Backup - World backing up, this might lag...
    Backup Finish - The world has successfully backed up. Thank you for your time.
    Backup Disconnect Message - You have been disconnected during the backup process. Please get back on. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    /forcerestart - Forces a restart. The server restart clock is reset or it continues the clock. You can change whether the clock resets or continues in the config.
    /restart reset - Resets the restart clock.
    /forceshutdown - Forces a shutdown. The server turns on at the closest turn-on time or doesn't turn on at all. You can change whether the server turns on at the closest turn-on time or doesn't at all.
    /shutdown reset - Resets the shutdown clock.
    /forcebackup - Forces a backup.
    /backup reset - Resets the backup clock.
  2. Offline


    You need to invest the $10 into McMyAdmin. It has this and much more.
    Zynastor likes this.
  3. Offline


    Really? Ty then.
  4. Offline


    Yeah it's brilliant :) Totally worth it!
  5. I'll try and create this, even if the issue has already been resolved. It might take a week or so though.
  6. Offline


    Alright, ty.
  7. Offline


    that would be really good!
    i use multicraft and iv been trying to do this for ages
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Multicraft, lol, use /stop ingame, restarts the server auto
  10. Offline


    I mentioned that I already tried Server_Remote_Toolkit but didn't find it appealing to me.

    I don't want any wrappers/softwares.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016

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