Need A Dev or Two For Communitas.

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Xx_^_Kai_^_xX, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. Offline


    A soon opening community-based server.
    So, I need a few Devs for this server. This will NOT be an intensive or rewarding job. I will take over most of the development, work will be passed down when I have too much work, I'm busy, or I can't figure something out that you can.
    • A legitimate copy of Minecraft.
    • Live in the USA or Canada.
    • Use Skype frequently.
    • Respect
    • Reputation, I will tell all players about the Devs.
    • A Developer rank on the server.

    • Don't release anything developed for Communitas.
    • Don't destroy anything.
    • Ask before you add, remove, or change plugins.
    • Don't break anything.
    • Be nice to my players.
    • Come to me if players are rude to you, never retaliate.

    Thanks in advance,
    ~Kai :cool:
  2. Offline


    Add me on skype... My Skype ID is coldguy101.
  3. Offline


    Sorry for the late reply. I'll add you in a moment. But you should get a Skype button like me! I'll tell you how on Skype :3

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