Different WorldGenerators Working on the same World?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Prgr, Jun 1, 2012.

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    I want to know how I can make a world that is half FLAT and half DEFAULT. I have been exploring the chunk classes deeply and I know how to get the "short[][]" list of blocks but how do I put them into the world?
    Where I am stuck at:
    2. WorldCreator space=new WorldCreator("Space");
    3. space.generator("CleanroomGenerator:.");
    4. WorldCreator flat=new WorldCreator("Flat");
    5. flat.generator("CleanroomGenerator:20,stone,3,dirt,1,grass");
    6. short[][] blocksSpace = space.generator().generateExtBlockSections(world, null, x, z, null);
    7. short[][] blocksFlat =flat.generator().generateExtBlockSections(world, null, x, z, null);

    The blocksSpace contains all the blocks in the space chunk
    And blocksFlat contains all the blocks for the flat chunk
    Thanks guys!
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