Individual Chunk Regeneration with different settings? (Using Cleanroom in combonation with DEFAULT)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Prgr, May 31, 2012.

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    I am not inexperienced using craftworlds, but am inexperienced with ChunkGenerators. I am making a plugin that will work with CleanroomGenerator to create a world that has the chunks in the center of the map being 20 blocks higher than the center of the map so there will be a huge square hole where people can build in, like a favela or gulag,
    The primary problem is I wish to be able to use a tool to automatically regenerate the chunks in the center because I know I can use McEdit to create the depression in the map but I need to be able to regenerate that center area quickly if the chunk is owned by a griefer.
    It will look something like this:
    the center of the crater being about 8 by 8 chunks. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. you can use your own made world generator
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