PEX randomly not working.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Jonymc, May 29, 2012.

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    Okay so for some users in my server, ppl stopped having prefixes or recolors.
    yet they are still in the groups and have their prefixes when doing /who.

    I dont know whats wrong ive tried to delete the specify users rank and even accounts world save.
    still same problem

    Question 2:

    Is there a way to make clans with PEX? so when you get some1 into a group called KoZ it gets his prefix like


    I don't use simpleclans because the prefixes don't work with PEX.
    Thank you!
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    Maybe you have used something like jChat to set prefix for people when they talk.
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    nope. opnly got essentioals chat
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    Check your console for errors :)
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    Mutant Fallout

    You should check if your pex is up to date.
  6. Offline


    Full plugin list and server log extract from server start to server stop please. ( for the server log)
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