domain managing and multiple servers.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by rourke750, May 22, 2012.

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    Ok so I am running two servers. One on port 25565 and one on 25560. I have the domain and the subdomain They both go to the same IP. right now and both go go server one. How do I get to stay on 25565 and to go to port 25560
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    I wish that were possible. :/
  3. Offline


    DNS only translates a name to an IP address and is done on the client side of the connection. After the client does the name resolution, it establishes its connection using just the IP address and port number. So at least at the transport layer of the network there is nothing to key in on to determine the correct destination, so that the packet could be rewritten with the new port number. That said it is not 100% impossible, but would have to be done at the application layer. Unfortunately I’m not aware of any minecraft specific proxy software that can do it, or if the necessary field in the 0x2 packet has been implemented.

    You can contact your ISP and see if you can get an another IP address. They will more than likely require you to switch to a business class connection.
  4. Offline


    I know that there are services that do even more than 2 servers one one computer so what client do they download that is able to intercept the domain name or subdomain name and then is able to send the right server to server 1 and the other server to server 2.
  5. Offline


    There is no "client" you can download to do this. As said above, DNS only translates a name to an IP address, it doesn't know or care about port numbers

    Tell us how you got to this conclusion and give us an example of the service you're talking about. Certainly some services can share IP addresses no trouble, an example of this is websites. A single IP address can host many different websites, but that's because of the way HTTP crafts packets and the server can interperet them to determine which site the client wants to go too.

    Minecraft's clients and servers can't do that. Your best solution is to get another IP address and run each server on it's own IP address. They can still run on the same computer but you can't run two servers on the same IP address on the same port no matter what you do. In fact if you try bukkit will throw an error about it and fail to start
  6. Offline


    So how do service's that run multiple minecraft servers give everyone a subdomain or a domain for their server or do they just have a lot of different ips?
  7. Offline


    Multiple IPs if all the servers are running on the default port.
  8. Offline


    ok thanks and they are like 5 bucks a month right?
  9. Offline


    Depends on the provider. Assuming you will be trying to set this up on your home Internet connection, make sure you have a router that can support it. Most home routers will only handle a single public IP address. Your ISP maybe able to help you out here too and recommend one. Afraid I don't know what is currently on the market.
  10. Offline


    ok thx.
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