[FUN/GEN] BadTrash - Trash'ing all your Trash [1.2.5 - R.1.0]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by sanjar12345, May 1, 2012.

  1. Offline


    'Trash'ing all your trash'
    Version 1.1V
    Have you ever had Stacks of Dirt filling your inventory, or maybe cobblestone? Well this is the plugin for you. With an easy install and set up, BadTrash is the best for any of your Trash needs, with daily updates to make this plugin one of the best.
    So easy to use, safe to install and takes up hardly any RAM!​
    With BadTrash, you wont need to worry about giving people /ci or other commands, with BadTrash, Only 1 command is needed and the best thing of all, There is no need to Configure it at all!
    Set up:
    Download the latest version of BadTrash, You can find out which one is the latest by looking at the right side and clicking ‘Download’ and of course you can always find the latest ‘Dev’ Builds by looking at the link at the bottom of the page. Put the BadTrash.jar into your ‘plugins’ folder and restart your server. Then set up the permissions, by default, OPs have all the permissions. Then you have installed BadTrash enjoy using this plugin, any problems? Comment below.
    - BadTrash.Trash - BadTrash.inv
    BadTrash supports the following permissions,
    GroupManager, Permission, Bpermission, PermissionEX
    And many of the other main permission plugins.
    Thats it. No more permissions, Simple Huh?​
    Hold the item you want to trash and type /trash and all the items of the same id will be trashed. If you want to trash your inventory, type /trash and hold air to trash your whole Inventory.
    To Do:
    • Add signs to trash items with a click • Make a ‘trash’ can.
    Change log:
    V 1.0 Initial release.
    V 1.1 Certain Changes to Colours.
    If you would like to see this plugin in action, come down to Mc.collosus-gaming.com, Register and type /trash
    - Sanjar
    That was the plugin Description which can be found at http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/badtrash/
    Please tell me what you think of the plugin.


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  4. Offline


    Can some one comment on this and tell me what they think?
  5. Offline


    Amazing! Have you seen my trash plugin? I recently installed windows 7 and all my files were deleted. So I cannot really go on with that project. I like it where; when you type in /trash it throws all items with that id will be tossed.
  6. Offline


    Thanks a lot! I looked at your plugin, Its really nice, If you want, You can have the source code for this, Or maybe we can team up and make 1 awesome trash plugin together?


    If anyone wishes the colours of this plugin to be different at the moment it is Red,
    Because i like it. I can change it to Blue or/and Orange or other colours. Just post here and i will try and do it :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  7. Offline


    Sure! Great idea :D. Also I am handy with photoshop.
  8. Offline



    Now all that waits is for a moderator to
    accpeted this plugin
  9. Offline


    Maybe add 1 undo command. In case someone makes a mistake. Or at least (if not done already) write to server log who trashed what items with quantities.

    "Admin help I just trashed my diamonds!"

    You could get your code back with a decompiler.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  10. Offline


    Yes, Good idea!

    I will look into this.
  11. Offline

    Deleted user

    PermissionsBukkit support?
  12. Offline


    Yes, It supports the main ones, and Pbukkit is one of them,

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